
University in USA?

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Hi, I am a A-level student with 3A*s and 7 As at GCSE and am taking Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at A-Level as well as a Gold Arts Award. I was wondering how, i could possibly go to an American University as i want to study Business, and would quite like to make the leap 'across the pond' as that is where i would like to end up working. How would i go about this? and do i stand a chance of getting into a good university?




  1. In order to apply to any university in the US, you'd have to take the SATs, as foreign equivalents are not accepted.

    Moreover, I would recommend studying in the UK as an undergraduate. Amongst other reasons, with most degrees, you would be finished in 3 years instead of 4; it would be [a lot] more affordable than the US; and you could then quite easily go on and do an MBA in the US. Don't be discouraged, there are a lot of very good universities in the UK [and they are often considered to teach a higher level as an undergraduate than universities across the pond...]!

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

  2. How to go about doing this is a reletivley simple process.

    Since you already know you wish to study an area of business your next step is to decide which university you want to study at. There are many ways to narrow down the choices and to help you choose the best university for you but there are a few important factors you need to take into consideration when deciding and these are as follows:

    - The most important factor is the cost of both tuition and living expenses. International students pay 5-10x more than any other student for their tuition and each university will set their own costs but you can expect to see figures between $18,000 to $45,000 per year!

    Furthermore each state and city also as different living expenses, so cities such as New York, San Francisco, Stamford and L.A. will cost far more to live in than Tusla, Harrisburg and Wichita.

    Other factors include: the universities academic record, location - by this I mean climate, there are some place in the States with soring tempretures and terrible humidity that you may find hard to live in.

    However you decide, once you have your decision, the next step should be to have a look at the universities' website and research their requirements for admission as an international student and then contact them to request that they send you an application for admission and any other relevent documentation relating to your course.

    Once it arrives, check you meet the requirements and have everything you need to make a successful application and then send it off, sit back and wait for a response.

    If you are successful you will then need to make an appointment at the U.S. Embassy in London and apply for an F-1 (student) visa.

    As for your chances of getting into a good university, who can say, top universities such as Harvard, Yale and MIT look for more than just excellence in academic areas. You should check the websites of the universities you are interested in and research their requirements for admission.

  3. I think your best chance would be to apply to a top university, ivy league.  If your good enough to get in, they'll make sure finance is not a problem.
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