
Unpopular VS. unknown?

by Guest56714  |  earlier

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In a high school environment, what would you rather be unpopular VS. unknown and why?




  1. I would rather be unknown because once someone actually took the time to talk to me I would surprise them by not being who they thought I was.

    Plus, it's dangerous to be unpopular. Kids and teenagers are absolutely horrid and cruel! They can do some pretty nasty things sometimes. Not all of them, of course, but this age group has earned a reputation for cruelty.

  2. Well I was unknown and it wasn't too bad.  You see the problem with being unpopular is that no one likes you so you have to deal with people too often.  Being unknown means people don't bother you so you don't have that issue.  Besides almost no one is truly unknown, you always have that one or two friends which isn't too bad.  Less friends means putting up with less stupid people you really don't like but are only friends with thanks to the circumstances.  All in all I went unknown by choice and never regretted it.

  3. Unknown -

    Chances are pretty good you are not going to hang out with highschool friends after you graduate and if you are unknown -what would it
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