
Unusual toilets???

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For those of you who love to travel and travel often, describe the most unusual toilet you have ever seen, and where it was.

Mine was in Verona, Italy. It was a grate in the floor with water running under it. It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to use it.

Then, 6 months later, I went to China. That was extremely interesting, but the grate in the floor topped anything I saw in China.




  1. In China.Once,we were in this place,and we had to use this toilet which was really just a hole,and u u know what there,and gickk,that was gross.

  2. wow, that is interesting

    let me see, the most unusual tiolet I have seen/used in my travels has been a three sided outhouse, whole in the ground, which, no lie, drained into the pig pen, so, as you went, you could see the pig at times (the outhouse was a higher off the ground and teh pig pen was dug out in the side of the embarkment, no roof, so, when, it was night time you got a great view of the stars

    : )

  3. In a ski resort in the French Alps there is a small restaurant high in the mountains.

    In the rest room there is a perfectly ordinary urinal for men -- but it right next to the only sink which if for for both sexes.

    So a guy urinating into the urinal may be standing shoulder to shoulder with a woman washing her hands in the sink.

    I suppose Europeans think nothing of it; Americans are taken aback.
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