
Upgrading Windows Xp To Windows Vista?

by Guest55805  |  earlier

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I have a Desktop Computer running windows Xp, i don't know much about computers but i know the basics..

I want to upgrade to vista but i aint sure if it will run vista..

Its got an AMD 3000, Gforce 7600GT graphics card and 1GB ram

Would it run Vista?

if so, What vista would be best to put on?


Is Ther anyway i can find out what i need for it to run vista?




  1. Adam, your setup will run Vista, but 'running' and 'running at a speedy pace' are two different things.

    With your setup, yuo really need to up the memory to 2GB, even then, it still would be slower than XP due to the processor, take the good advice above and stick with XP, or you will be back in a few days asking how to downgrade back to XP, it really is c**p.  

  2. Don't even Bill Gates can't get vista to work right and sent out memos on that.Xp is the best version of windows yet and uses far less resources than vista

  3. Yes, it would run Vista, although it wouldn't be particularly quick. I suggest you upgrade your RAM to 2 GB for better performance. I suggest Vista Home Premium as you have a relatively good graphics card.

  4. Vista has been a bit of a disaster for Microsoft.

    It was given a massive build up, but people are discovering that it doesn't live up to the hype.

    If you have XP you have the best version of Windows, yet available

    Unless you are into masochism, DO NOT upgrade to Vista

  5. yes, Vista runs on that except, the RAM should be upgraded to minimum 2 GB for vista to run smoothly and handle other applications.

    But i wouldn't recommend installing Vista as there are many hardware issues after installing it. So try it at your own risk.

  6. I have XP and Vista, but I don't use vista because some softwares don't work with vista and vista is slow too.

    If you buy a new computer with vista, then you are going to have to use Vista.

    But if you have XP, don't upgrade to Vista.

    Some new computers still give you an option to buy with XP because a lot of people prefer XP.

  7. There's a program called the Vista Upgrade Advisor, which you can download free from  Install and run it and it will check your system and tell you if you can run Vista, and which version it recommends for your hardware.  If you can't run Vista, it will tell you which components are the problem.

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