
Urgent help needed!!!! plz help!?

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a guy acted as my friend and started sending me dirty messages on msn,. he has my cellnumber now and he says he'll put up nude pictures of me on orkut.!!!...My pictrures are on facebook and msn but he has no picture of me let alone a dirty picture. i cant tell my parents about it and my friends have helped me but hes still after me..please help 15 and the guy is 23. can he realy put up nude pics of me?> how???....he doesnt have any pics of me..please help me .tell me what to do?? please...

thanx in advance:)




  1. Don't keep secrets from your parents - this is exactly what you should never keep secret.    Consider changing cell number.   Learn from this mistake.

  2. Is there any way you could change your MSM address and cell number, just give it to people you trust not to hoax people from the net.

    I know it must be your worst nightmare but I really do think you should tell your parents, parents are here to help their children in situations like this, even if it is not your parents but a responsible adult.  Maybe get your parents/an adult/ or police to phone this 23 year old and tell him to leave you alone, he wouldnt expect you do that as he knows he has you scared, so it might work.

    Dont keep this problem to yourself and under no circumstances meet up with this guy.  

    Be strong and do the right thing, he is probably doing it to many young girls, it needs one of you to stand up to him - let it be you.


  3. definitly he cannot put ur nude picture anywhere unless u give him..if he call u and disturbs u be frank to ur parents and inform them the actual matter.. don't be afraid.. face the problem with the same force as it hits u.. u'll definitly come out of it. tel ur parents. they know to stop this coz they are the one who take care of u the most.

  4. He cannot put pictures of you on the internet unless you have given him a picture of yourself.  Get off the internet and stay off unless you put in a different identity and then take this experience as a sad lesson.  It is a chance everyone takes when you share personal information about yourself.  If he does not leave you alone, tell your parents about it and you can even inform the police.  In the meantime, remember there are plenty of guys out in the world that will do bad things to young girls like you and date guys you go to school with and that you kind of know.    

  5. there is Photoshop, but just disregard it.

  6. What this guy is doing is illegal and he knows it.  He is relying on you being afraid to tell your parents, call his bluff, tell them.  that is one good thing about parents they can help even if you think they cannot.  If you really feel that you cannot talk to them then visit the police station. There is always a friendly face there and they can stop this pervert from harassing you and any other young people.

    Take your courage in both hands and put a stop to this.

  7. he can paste your head onto a nude pic. tell him you will report his cell number to the police and tell him that you will tell your parents. (even if you dont)

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