my daughter is 6 months and i have just found out she has a urinary tract infection, im a first time mum and this is the first time my baby has been sick so i haven't had any experiences of a sick baby before. We had to take her to hospital 4 days ago as she had a high temp. and irritable with a high pitched cry, they have put her on antibiotics for 7 days then after that once a night until she is called in for a kidney scan. She has just been miserable for the past few days and i hate seeing her like this. We had only just started solids but now i have stopped as she has no appetite,normally she would take around 40oz of milk but now she is only taking about 26oz. we had a good bedtime routine. she was sleeping 12 hours at night but now she is up every 3 hours to feed and its a battle to try and get her to bed, normally i would give her a bottle and she would soothe herself to sleep but now she screams if i leave the room and i have to use a dummy to get her off to sleep which ive never had to do before, she just wants to be close to me at night and a few times i have had to let her sleep on me. I have worked so hard to get her into a good night time routine and am worried that if i introduce these bad habits now that it may be very difficult to get things back to normal, but these sometimes are the only ways that she will go to sleep at the minute!i guess what im asking is, is it normal for a babys world to be turned upside down when their sick and will things go back to normal when shes better or are we back to square one again?