
Use tips for fighting?

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just curious (seriously) if you were to get into a fight, which places would be the most painful to hit, (non-fatal) just curious, and it would be nice to know in case like I actually get into a fight, so tips would be helpful, no criticism, just useful tips please.




  1. Look up Geoff Thompson.... no point in me goin into what the man teaches just go see for yourself, he uses a very simple yet effective method

  2. Head: Anywhere on the head, especially the jaw, nose, and temples.

    Body: Ribs,  Diaphragm, Kidney

  3. The human body protects its weak spots. If you look at an anatomy image, there are two ways to recognize a weak point. Either there are two raised sections with a lowered section in the middle (the lowered section being the weak point. Ex: the temples, which have two jutting pieces of bone surrounding them), or they're on the inside of something (the inner arm has more sensitivity than the outer, as does the inner thigh. The arms protect the sides of the torso which has the typically weaker oblique muscles and floating ribs).

    I know this doesn't constitute a comprehensive list, but it does tell you how you can recognize them to learn it for yourself (which will improve retention in the long term).

    Good luck.

  4. The groin, solar plexus, bridge of the nose, side of the head behind the eye socket (could be fatal), spot between upper lip and the nose (could be fatal if their nose breaks and impales their brain), neck (could be fatal), knees, fingers (finger locks), back of the head (could be fatal), eyes, inner thighs, spine (could be fatal), ears, sides of the rib cage, sides of the abdomen, weak spot in the lower abdomen where the muscles connect a little below the navel, and any of the pressure points ( there are hundreds of pressure points and about seven of them can be fatal).

  5. Eyes, Adam's apple, balls <_<, solar plexus (a cluster of nerves an inch or 2 below the sternum or 2 inches above the belly button), back of knee, right below your right ear (just poke right under the right ear, I tried and held for 10 secs or so and my eyes started to water and I started to cough, floating ribs ( the end of your ribs)

  6. eye gouge thats why mma out lawed it right away

    that means thumb to the eye
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