
Vacation in austrailia?

by Guest63981  |  earlier

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i was just wondering if hotels are expensive in Austrailia?

and is there any bad neighborhoods in Austrailia? (Sydney to be exact)

and do Austrailians like Canadians as people?




  1. Most of us like Canadians and Americans, I have a good mate who is American. But it is like anywhere, there will be some miserable people, lol. Anyway, do not go near redfern, or most places in the western suburbs unless you want to get robbed/stabbed. And be careful walking through parks in Sydney at night time (Do not do it). Accomodation is very similar in price/quality to the US. By day, the inner city is quite a nice place with plenty of things to see and do. Find circular quay and go on a ferry ride (If thats your thing) or just go for a walk across the harbour bridge. You can also go on a harbour bridge climb which takes you to the top (Amazing view). By the way, don't be offended if someone asks you if you are American, most people find it difficult to tell. It is like calling an Australian a New Zealander (Kiwi) or visa versa, lol. And remember, no need to tip over here, (For anything). Have fun mate.

  2. I'm an American, but my experience is that hotels in Oz are like Canada.  Some are pricier, some are cheaper, depending on location & amenities.  But your dollar will be worth a little more there.  Not enough to get real excited about, but it's still nice.

    There is a bad neighborhood in Sydney, but I can't remember it right now...(is it King's Cross?)...

    Aussies seem to like Canadians more than Americans.  You know...we're all trying to use up all the world's resources taking over the world : ) ...but Canadians are generally considered more laid back, with some even considering you part of the family (England).  If you're liberal, you'll like the attitude in the east more, if you're more rednecky, you'll probably like the attitude in the west a little more, or at least identify with it a little better.

  3. I love Canadians, I married one!!!   Just stay away from western Sydney....its not bad bad like a  ghetto, but its very populated and housing is cheeper so you get a few its ugly!!!!  northern beaches of Sydney is beautiful, everywhere in Australia is a bit expensive but if you jump online and do some research you will be able to find a few bargains!!!  I find Canadians are very similar to Aussie's, so you will be fine!!!  If they think you are an American you may have few people that are a bit stand offish but keep a Canadian flag on your bag and you will be fine!!!  have fun and you will love it here its I love love Whistler and Vancouver, i lived there for a few years...its amazing in Canada!!

  4. Sydney - you probably wouldn't go to the western suburbs of sydney aka Penrith, Blacktown, Mt Druitt, etc.. Its more of a low socioeconomic suburban area

    Hotels can be expensive, but you can get bargains. Check out

    And yes Aussies love canadians!!

  5. Another place to stay away from is Redfern, just passed Central Station in Sydney.

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