
Vampires real?!?!?

by Guest61290  |  earlier

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(or crazy goth kids drinking blood?????))))




  1. that would suck..

  2. I've met many real vampires, of ages from teens to 40's. Some are goth, but most aren't. Some drink blood, but many don't.

    I'm psi-vampiric, 43 years old, have a B.S in Biology and am full-time employed. I'm not goth. I don't drink blood and don't really feel any need to do so.

    Where do you people get your stereotypes from, anyway? Have you ever met any self-professed vampires?

    This sounds a bit to me like white people who think all blacks live in the inner city, eat fried chicken and do drugs.

    - P.

  3. i hope not.

  4. vamps are real but there will always be  those special goth people who do creepy stuff like that. the real vamps are actually pyhsic vamps they drain your energy rather then blood .the whole vamps turning into bats and immoratily is soooo not real so dont try to turn into one. you really cant beocme one either yo are either born and physic vamp or not.

  5. We do exist. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age and we aren't immortal.

  6. They are real. And don't throw around insults unless you know what you're talking about. You can rather easily offend quite a few people.

    Do a bit of research, maybe meet a few yourself. There are more than you think. You have probably met them and didn't know it. Maybe then you'll know when to hold your tongue. Best of luck.

  7. No. There are no real vampires, undead, psi, sanguinarian, vampyre, or otherwise. The Law of Averages is pretty easy to apply to this one, not to mention the fact that there is NO scientific evidence of such, plus the fact that if vampires did exist, they would reproduce at an exponential rate, and would completely take over the planet in less than five years time. As none of this is happening, the answer is logically that vampires do not exist. There are people who suffer from iron deficiencies, porphyria, hypersensitivity to sunlight, etc. all the classic hallmarks of vampirism, but are not vampires.

    Btw, the legends of vampires are much older than Vlad the Impaler, are present in many cultures, and certainly did not begin with him.

    Btw, for every self-professed "vampire" out there, you do realize you meet all the criteria for co-dependency as well as being defined as clinically out of touch with reality? And the educated ones should know better. I guarantee you that if I were to isolate you from all other human beings, you would not suffer any ill effects from being "deprived" of the human "energy" you claim to need. You also must realize that there is no scientific proof to back up your claims of energy or psi vampirism? And the ones with blood donors are even worse - deluding themselves into passing off an obvious sexual fetish as a physiological need. The human body is not designed to process large amounts of blood for nutrition - it just doesn't work that way. And yes, you're human - if I took a sample of your DNA - guess what? You'll be human, no mutations, no alien lifeform, no altered chromosomes, etc. Trust me - if I isolated you from your "donors" and fed you a vegetarian diet with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fats you would suffer no ill effects. Why? Because you're not vampires. You just think you are.

  8. Crazy goth kids.

    Vampires are as real as smurfs.

  9. the mith of vampires began with vlad the impaler . check out this link.

    he wasnt a real vampire but got the reputation from his cruelty and the fact that when he died they dug him up and found blood in his stomache.

    and yes goth kids think they are vampires if they drink blood. they are not. they are just weird.
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