
Vanessa hudgens and miley cyrus?

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I cant seem to understand why alot of people hate miley for her scandal pictures.And why dont people hate vanessa for her scandal pictures?Im just being fair here.If you hate miley because of her pictures,you should hate vanessa too.Thats all im saying.And vanessa's picture was way worst than mileys.Vanessa was plain naked,no cover ups.But miley was wearing a bra,she wasnt naked.

So,pls explain that to me?




  1. i think someone is hacking miley....

  2. vanessa at that time wasnt famouse or a role model, she was like 16-18, it was a one time thing

    miley was crazy famouse, she was a role modle, she was 14, and she constently kept on doing it after saying sorry like 3 times, she never stopped

  3. If anything I hate Miley for not showing us everything. If there's one thing I hate it's a tease. I have nothing against Vanessa, I think she's brave for letting us see her.

  4. i dunno to be honest there is a difference because of age but vanessa did it at the same time so i got ver both the day they where shown

  5. See the difference is that Vanessa only had one scandal and not several in a row, one after the next, after the next. Miley can't seem to keep herself out of trouble and knows [like Vanessa does] not to take those types of pictures and store them on your cellphone especially if you're a celebrity. After a while no one is going to feel sorry for Miley or her stupidity.

  6. I agree with you. It doesn't make any sense. And like you said Vanessa's picture was worse. So if people hate Miley then they should also hate Vanessa. But I personally don't hate either one for their pictures. They did them, they apologized and people should let them move on.

  7. Idk, prolly age difference.

  8. i dont hate miley, but this is why. at the time she took them, vanessa wasn't famous. so she can't help what she did when she was younger. AND it only happened once. there was a ton of pictures of miley.

  9. its because vanessa learned from her mistake and never did it again.....

  10. because miley keeps doing it again and again and again. "it" being her taking not-so-wholesome pictures of herself. vanessa only did it once and never repeated it again

  11. (by the way i am not directing this to the person who wrote the questions)

    I wonder the exact same thing!

    Vanessa's pictures are way worse then Miley's and if who ever hates Miley because of them pictures your a jerk!You don't even know her! If your best friend done that would you hate her or call her a sl*t?  Just because Miley is famous she is still a normal person and a teenager at that! Every single person makes mistakes  no matter what age.Miley and Vanessa are put under so much pressure they get judged for everything they do.Its like people sit and wait or them to s***w up Its seriously lame! Give them privacy.

    They are just normal people that are living their dream!

    If i done something like that it would be all over the internet DON'T make a big deal out of things that aren't bad!

    [ I seriously have no clue why they hate Miley so much and not Vanessa,Vanessa should know a little better then Miley she is older but i get its all just natural stuff.Alot of people do that and there is nothing wrong with it.Look up some words in the dictionary you're all using them wrongly! Just because she took pictures in her underwear does not mean she is a sl*t.]


  12. I don't hate both of them. Don't even watch much of Disney's show, let alone Hannah Montana. Don't hate them because they both have scandal pictures, just plain annoyed that they are following the footsteps of fallen and troubled stars; hope they really don't follow them 100%

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