
Vatican Expectations?

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I will be traveling to Rome this spring and I will be visiting the Vatican with my class. I wanted to know the proper way to speak and dress. I am a young woman and I heard we had to wear skirts, much to my dismay. Is there anything else? And anything I shouldn't say?




  1. I just went to the vactican in november and I am a young girl just like you. You do not have to wear skirts in the vactican and it is actually rude to show your knees and shoulders in there. I wore jeans and I was fine. When you are in the sistine chapel you have to be really quiet but your just in so much shock that you are anyway. It would be good not to say any bad words while you are in the museum and to not touch anything that is on exibit. Hope you have fun!!

  2. you do not have to wear a skirt but your knees must be covered, no exposed shoulders and no cleavage.. The do sell paper pants but your best off just dressing properly.  As far as speaking show the same respect you would in any church..or maybe a little

  3. I went there this past summer and was astounded by what I saw.  Women with tank tops and bra straps hanging out, men in cut off shorts.

    I am not a regular church goer, nor a Catholic, but visiting some place like that I think one should show respect in their behavior and dress.

    You will be just fine in tasteful pants or shorts.  Please wear a top that covers your shoulders, that is important in the Catholic religion and visiting the most important place to them it is nice and proper to show respect to their customs.

    You can speak and take pictures in the map room, which is going to blow your mind.  I walked in and my jaw hit the floor.  I couldn't breathe for what seemed like minutes.  Simply amazing.

    When viewing the Sistine Chapel you are not supossed to speak or take pictures.  Though again, some rude tourists were doing all of the above.

    Have fun, you will have a great trip and enjoy a lot of culture while there.  The Italians are not at all up-tight, just respectful when it comes to things related to the Church.

  4. in Italy we just don't go in church showing a lot of skin !

    but there are really not dress code's good common sense

    you can wear anything but just don't wear the clothing that you should use for disco or beach.

  5. You have to dress conservatively. Its best to wear a long skirt and a nice blouse, showing no shoulders or anything. I went in the summer so we were all wearing tank tops but we brought shawls to cover up whenever we went in to a church.

  6. You have to cover your shoulder and legs:

    A shirt and a pair of jeans are good.

    Not allowed: tank top and shorts!

    Anything else!
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