
Vball hitting plays?

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ok so my team has well 5 amazing hitters as we play a 5-1 and we can all hit backrow. what are some things we can do to trick the other team. like tandems(sp)?




  1. you might already have this but here is what we did one year-

    you have a middle and outside hitter on the ten foot line

    the setter is in the middle of them ready to set

    the hitter on the right side goes to the middle to fake out

    while the middle hitter goes behind the setter and hits back there (slide)

    it is kind of confusing to explain but is awesome in a game.

  2. It really depends on the other team....if you're playing against ball watchers then you can't confuse them, you can only guarentee yourself a one on one situation all the time...however, if you're playing against blockers that actually watch the hitter approach, you could have you're entire front row run quicks while giving it to the back row. This would more than likely give the back row hitter an open hit, or if a blocker did get there, they'd be really late and wouldn't be able to penetrate properly. You can also switch up your X's...have the middle approach a 31, while the power comes in for a 42....or having the middle approach a 51, and the right side coming across for a 42 or 43. Stuff like that.

    Like I said though, it really depends on the level of the other team, cause if they don't watch the hitters approach, you're not going to confuse them....if you do come across a team like this, quicks are the way to go, especially if you can run a fast A or C ball (I wouldn't recommend the pipe position in this situation because the middle blocker won't have to move).

  3. hmm well you can do slides and also you can practice doing 32's or 3's...theres not many plays that i can think of but there are drills thati can tell you. have an hitter play outside with a setter on one side. then have the rest of the team on the other as if they were in serve recieve. then the hitter has to get 5 before the otherside gets 3...just a little gamelike drill i do. but hitter vs. hitter or team are good drills anyways...

  4. Try to run X's in the front row. when the left side player slides over to middle to "pretend to hit" and the middle backs up and hits behind the left side.

  5. The key to a sophisticated volleyball offense is time-differential. That is, moving two hitters through roughly the zone at different times.

    First, a note on the timings. A quick hit is a ball of the first timing; that is, the spiker must be jumping *BEFORE* the setter makes contact with the ball. It is imperative that the quick hit is quick. The spiker must jump before the setter touches the ball. Otherwise, you won't be able to setup more advanced plays. You'll see why latter.

    A "two ball" is a ball of the second timing. That is, the spiker must be making the last two steps of his/her approach when the setter touches the ball.

    Time-differential is the basic philosophy behind the Cross, a/k/a the "X-play," and the tandem. The first player drives to the setter for a quick hit, which is a ball of the first timing. The second player crosses behind the first to hit a "two-ball", or a ball of the second timing. Here you have two hitters hitting from (basically) the same zone, but at two different times. The first hitter will just be landing at the time that the second hitter is taking off.

    Since two blockers cannot block in the same position, this causes a problem for the block. The block has to guess which hitter it will get the set, and if the second hitter is getting the set, then from which side, to the left or right of the first hitter.

    Let's walk through a scenario to see why this is problematic. If they jump with the first hitter, they won't be able to land and get back up in time to block the second hitter, and the second hitter gets an open net. If the don't jump with the first, then the first hitter gets an open net.

    Even if they split the hitters, and each one goes "man-to-man" with one hitter, they block still has a problem because the offense is playing in 3-dimensions, but the block can only work in 2-dimensions. You can't "stack" a block off the the net (the third dimension), but you can have your spikers approach from different angles and jump from different depths.  

    Here's why.. if the hitters run a crossing pattern (or fake a crossing pattern), then this will cause one of the blockers "to pick" the other, like in a basketball play. By the time the second blocker swings around behind the first, the play is over.

    The only way that this play is successful is if the offensive team establishes the quick hit.

    KEY NOTE: To make a volleyball offense work, you have to establish the quick hit in the middle.

    Establishing the quick hit in the middle means running the middle enough times to firmly establish it as a threat in the minds of your opponent. How do you know when you have done this? When the opponents block jumps with your quick hitter. Until you force your opponent to jump with your quick hitter. If your opponent does not jump with the quick hit, then you won't be able to take advantage of the crossing plays and the tandem plays.

    The Key: firmly establish the quick set.

    After that, you can diagram up all kinds of plays. Run crossing patters with a back-row attacker hitting the "two ball." Move the quick set to the outside, and run an inside cross. Have the opposite (off-side) spiker run the quick, and have the middle hitter "swing" to the off-side for a slide.

    These are all variations on time-differential sets, and all of them require you, first, to establish the quick set in the middle.
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