
Vector Magnitude. |A|

by Guest33093  |  earlier

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Can I find the magnitude like this?

A=Xi Yj Zk

|A|=sqrt(X Y Z)

Then vector A in polar form is.

A=|A| at angle

Is all this right?




  1. In what follows,

    A, i, j, k are vector quantities and

    A.A, i.i, i.j are dot products (or scalar products) of 2 vectors

    |A|, X, Y, Z are scalar quantities, and

    symbol * denotes multiplication of numbers

    We should write like this:

    A = Xi + Yj + Zk

    where i, j, k are unit vectors on 3 axes of coordinates

    To evaluate |A|, take the scalar square of both sides:

    A.A = (Xi + Yj + Zk).(Xi + Yj + Zk)

    Since A.A =|A|*|A|*cos(A,A) = |A|^2*cos0 = |A|^2

    and i.i =j.j= k.k = 1*1*cos0 =1

    and i.j =j.k =k.i = 1*1*cos(pi/2) = 0

    It follows that

    |A|^2 =X^2 +Y^2 + Z^2

    |A| = sqrt(X^2 +Y^2 + Z^2)


  2. You have to square the stuff in the middle: if A = (a, b, c) = a i + b j + c k, then:

    |A| = sqrt( a² + b² + c² ).

    The vector's "polar form" in 3d will depend on whether you use cylindrical or spherical coordinates.  I encourage you to read up on them in wikipedia:
You're reading: Vector Magnitude. |A|

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