
Vegan/Vegetarian question?

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OK, I'm a vegetarian, I have been one for about two months.

I became a vegetarian for numerous reasons. I don't eat any fish, that's still considered meat to me, but I still eat dairy products as most vegetarians.

This question was brought on by this Graphic:

I'm not sure exactly what the graphic means, I thought it meant

vegetarian was just a hypocrite word for I do and don't eat meat. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My question is for vegans are, Do you think that a vegetarian is a hypocrite because we eat eggs and drink milk, products produced by animals? Do you think we should become fully vegan?

My question for Vegetarians is Do you feel guilty for eating eggs, or drinking milk, knowing that it came from an animal that probably suffered, or do you feel as long as its not "meat"

its ok?




  1. There are   A LOT of reasons for becoming a vegetarian. Those who are only about animal rights and cruelty are normally worried of such things.

    Vegetarians - doesn't eat meat and eggs and dairy products are not eating meat.

    Even Vegans would admits that some animals suffer for the "plant-based" food. People use chemicals to chase rats aways or kill it. Snakes are also not under their mercy in the farms. ANd  farm animals are also used in some farms.

  2. I do feel guilty for eating eggs, and ice cream. I've been trying to stop eating them, and I've stopped eating eggs, I even make eggless cakes, but I have such a weakness for ice cream.

  3. I'm a vegetarian and i do feel bad when i eat dairy and eggs but the only reason I'm not a vegan is because my parents wont let me be vegan but i try to avoid dairy and eggs as much as possible

  4. Nothing wrong with going in the right direction.  Nobody's perfect.  Whatever your choice is your choice, and nobody should judge you.  Doing what you are doing is making you healthier and reducing animal suffering tremendously.  Good on you.

    You can try to look for dairy from a source where you know the cows are treated well, allowed to graze, aren't injected with bovine growth hormone.

    Same with eggs -- buy organic, from free-range chickens. If you want motivation to not eat eggs, read here how laying hens are treated in factory farms:

    If you don't like the idea of animal slaughter at all, you can find shoes and belts not made of leather.

    Good luck!

  5. I agree a 100% with the graphic. I do not believe in using animals for my personal benefit or advantage. And it's sad to know that people "rely" on certain animal foods to "live", when vegans, are living proof that you don't need those foods to have optimal health.

    To the girl above me, statistics and scientific research has shown that people on a vegan diet are known to outlive the omnivore by up to 8 years. Doctors at Yale university have conducted experiments and done research and have actually proven there are no health benefits, whatsoever, from drinking milk and eating eggs. Eggs have a high level of cholesterol that our bodies can do without and would be much healthier without. Also, cows have different metabolisms to humans - so naturally, their milk is essential to the calf, supplying the baby with nutrients it needs to sustain a healthy life, where as humans do not need it as it doesn't do anything for us. We have different metabolisms. We are not cows and the only reason humans would be drinking cows milk would be to "satisfy" our tastebuds - which is selfish, unkind, unnecessary and unnatural.

    I, personally, think that veganism is the right moral choice.

  6. I don't think vegetarians are hypocrites.  I think they are doing a lot more than a lot of people do to live up to their principles.  I DO think, that if animal cruelty is your reason for going vegetarian, that you should at least realize that vegetarianism is an incomplete gesture.  The egg and dairy industries are unspeakably cruel, ALL of the animals involved end up at the slaughterhouse and the dairy industry directly supports the veal industry.  But, if vegetarianism is what works for you, I feel like it's a whole lot better to be doing something rather than nothing.

  7. i think vegetarian is good enough, because if i would turn vegan, i would be seriously concerned about my growth and health! - vegan is so restricted that it might give less than a body really needs. you never know!

    it would be like a personal suicide - God made us live, not to ditch away our health and life. jesus told us to eat fish and drink wine, and yogis simply praise the dairy products because our body needs them desperately (and that is a 5000 years old science! )  

    how many vegans are known for living a long life? i know that the oldest living man in the world now a days is living in country side, drinking milk and eating meat, and doing alot of physical work.

    i don't feel guilty for drinking milk, but i do a bit for eating eggs. but i still want to live... long! :)

    ------------------------->  added:

    ok, i would like to encourage vegan if i would be sure that i don't create problems to other people that i influence. And,  i just came across a book about Dalai Lama last night itself, and He was saying that though buddhists don't kill animals, they do eat meat in order to sustain a healthy body. Because, in that area, the vegetables and fruits, the grains and rice and not enough to grow healthy.

    now pls tell me, what to believe?

    i have read some time ago a nutritionist saying that if people will become vegan, or at least vegetarian, then the whole world will not suffer from hunger anymore. because it takes so many vegan calories to create just a small amount of non-veg calories ( to grow a chicken, you use alot of grains). this sounds wonderful!!! but, on a second thought that occured to me long time after, i realised "is this a new world-wide policy created to balance the food crisis?". if so, then those people are not thinking whether you will get all the nutrients from the vegan diet, but they will surely tell you that it's the best, and invoke all the reasons for it. like those that you read on internet.

    i think this is a never ending debate, and it is impossible to know for sure which is best. in the end, people chose one of the ways because they have a personal belief in it, and not a proven law.

  8. I'm a vegetarian and do not feel guilty for eating eggs or drinking milk.  I buy from local farmers that treat animals well.  Free range chicken eggs.  All fed organic food and no hormones.  Organic milk with free range cows.  There are ways to not feel bad, and they don't hurt the animals.   Eggs are unfertilized so you're not killing the animal.  Milk needs to be released from the cows or they hurt.

  9. If there were a scale that graded a person's overall level of compassion and selflessness based on everything including what that person ate or where he bought his clothing or where it was made, how he treats everyone around him, the thought he puts into environmental impact......

    Some omnivores would score higher than some vegan people and vice versa. I don't know how many but basically every person is different and vegetarians vary in the amount of animal products that they eat and where they get them.

    The graphic that you are referring to is nothing but divisive and an example of trumpeting one's superiority over others.

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