
Vegaterian dancer, help me!!!?

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ok well i have been a veg. for almost a year now and i have been danceing for well since i was like 3 so i need my muscle. since i have been a vegaterian i have ganed like 10 pounds and my 6 pack when to a no pack, and my inner thighs have became jello. i cant dance like this help me lose the weight and gain back my muscle!!!! pleassseeee






  1. I agree with SST, nothing to do with being a vegetarian, sounds like the symptons of a troll.

    If you would like info on a vegetarian diet visit the vegetarian society website.

  2. I would eat more protein (beans, tofu, soy products, etc) so you can burn more calories (fat) and get more defined muscles.

  3. this shouldn't be too hard to fix, but it depends on how much of a vegetarian you are. If you are not eating eggs and dairy, there isn't much hope for you (its also not very healthy for your body). If you do eat those things however, then you need to make it a point to include them in each of your main meals every day. The addition of a whey protein powder will also assist you in leaning out. I am an NSCA certified personal trainer and I can construct an exercise and nutrition program for you if you wish. Or if you want to talk more in depth about changing your nutrition plan you can email me at  :)

  4. Reduce your consumption of rice, guacamole, French bread, potatoes, papayas, and buckwheat.  

    Increase your activity, go biking.

  5. I assure you that vegetarian is by no means your problem. you are either eating a vast amount of the wrong foods, have become lax in your exercise, growing, or going through hormonal changes etc. Are you pounding down pasta, rice, and bread three times a day? Been hitting the wine bottle a little more than normal lately? Or are you eating properly with lots of vegetables and not smothering your food in fatty sauces. Being a veggie doesn't mean your skinny. There are many that are quite robust. Try this. Eat outside the lines a little during the day, but at dinner only eat steamed veggies with a little seasoning on them for a while. Only drink water after 4p.m. You'll be back at your normal weight in no time.

  6. You're just going to have to eat more protein and less carbs.  When you are a vegan you can't just eat pasta.

  7. This sounds like a troll question to me, you just made this Yahoo Id today.

  8. try taking vitamins because by not eating meat you lack a lot of the things you need. I have to take iron pills because I don't get enough iron and get very sleepy without them. You probably aren't getting enough protein so try eating some foods that are high in protein such as beans.

  9. Hi Marissa,

    As a dancer, you need to be aware of sports nutrition to reach your optimal performance (and to stop your inner thighs turning to jello!). From what you have described it sounds as if your diet is lacking in protein, something which is easy to get from a vegetarian diet. Beans, nuts, legumes, grains, tofu and more are all fantastic sources of protein so I suggest you eat more of these.

    Be wary of increasing the amount of animal protein in your diet. When animal proteins are processed by your body they become acidic. Calcium is then leeched from your bones to neutralise this acid. This can lead to osteoporosis later in life.

    For a simple explanation of why Calcium leeching occurs visit:

    The following sites may also be of useful to you...

    For a full list see of foods and their protein content visit:

    Protein section of an online sports nutrition guide (I suggest you look at their other sections aswell):

    Scientific paper examining whether vegetarians athletic performance are impaired by their diet (answer = no)

    Vegetarian athlete nutrition info:

    This site for all athletes, not just bodybuilders:

    Lastly, don't let anyone (i.e. Jim) tell you that you have to eat eggs and dairy to be healthy. Cutting out/limiting your intake of eggs and dairy is not only safe but can also aid for your athletic performance.

    Carl Lewis explaining that the best year of track competition was on a vegan diet:

    List of famous vegetarian/vegan athletes:

    Best of luck in regaining that 6 pack :)

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