
Vegetarian going to a cookout?

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I'm going to my boyfriends' dad's cookout and I don't want to mess anything up...should I bring my own things to eat, or just maybe decline anything to eat? Or should i just have a little salad or something? I don't want to bring my own food and seem like I expect him to make it for me or something...Any advice or experience?




  1. I would bring my own veggie burger or something to grill.  It shouldn't be a problem--you are bringing your own and not impeding on them (you could even nuke it if they kinda got weird over tossing your food on the grill).

  2. i went to a cookout my friend had the other day. i actually bought some veggie burgers for myself but i talked to my friend just before i went to the party and she said, i even thought of you and got some veggie burgers. i was really glad she thought of me but did not expect her to actually buy me veggie burgers

  3. The day before yesterday I went to an event that offered free lunch, unfortunately that lunch consisted of grilled hot dogs and I had an apple and a bag of chips for lunch...yea... anyway, I went to the same event the next day but was more prepared, I brought my own veggie italian "sausage" and asked them to throw it on the grill for me, they did, with hardly no hassle at all. So they should not have an issue, they dont want you to starve, they should be happy to throw it on for you. Being a vegetarian we have to learn not to really care what other people think about it. Just ask them politely to throw it on for you and stand close to make sure they dont play a dirty trick on you like switch it out or poor some cow juice on it or something. Good luck!

  4. Your boyfriend should let his Dad know ahead of time so he can be sure to have something there you can eat. Most people would appreciate knowing this info before hand so they can accomodate your needs & avoid an awkward situation.  

    It shouldn't be a big deal...when people invite someone over to eat they want to have food there you'll eat.

  5. Just do what I do.  Take a couple of smart dogs wrapped in foil and ask the host to throw them on the grill for you.  They won't be offended and you can still have a hot dog.

    Hopefully there will be fruit and veggies...there usually are.  Chips are usually alright too.  If you are a lacto you could make a cheese sandwich with a bun and the cheese for the cheeseburgers.  

    I would make sure you don't go in there starving, but don't stress about it.  You could even take a fresh fruit salad for everyone to enjoy...or you could take some extra veggie food with and leave it in the car just in case.

    In the end all of your worries will probably be put to ease.  You'll have plenty to eat if you follow my advice and you won't offend anyone.  Trust me.  Have fun and stop worrying :)

  6. Talk to your boyfriend about your concern. I'm sure he will be more than happy to tell his dad, and the both of them will work together to make sure there are some veggie options. Also, offer to bring a dish, nothing unusual about that, a lot of people like to bring some of their culinary skills with them to picnics, etc. I know from experience that my boyfriend and his family would do the same.

  7. veggie burgers

    vegetarian hot dogs

    tossed salad

    fruit salad

  8. i'm not a vegetarian, but a member of our family is one.  We usually take care of him by grilling a few veggie burgers, and make some vegetarian dishes.  He's happy and a few of us more health conscious people are happy too!  But maybe you could bring a few veggie burgers and kindly ask someone to grill them.

  9. Does your boyfriend's father know you are vegetarian?  If so then he should have no problem putting a veggie sausage on the grill for you.  Make sure to get your food on before the grill is covered in chicken and beef.  

    It's up to you, I have been to BBQs where I would just eat a salad, but I found it all the more satisfying when I brought something to make.  And if you bring something, you can offer to let other people try your awesome veggie food.

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