
Vegetarian help?

by Guest63958  |  earlier

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I'm a vegetarian and everyone makes fun of me for it. They all say random stuff like, "You need to eat meat" "Your teeth are made for eating meat" and stuff like that. it's getting really annoying and they wont stop even though I ask them to. How do I make them stop?




  1. i have the same problem. people made fun of me a lot too. just be frank with them. say something like 'if you're not willing to accept me for who i am, i don't need to associate with you. you're being immature about this situation. i don't push my causes on you. get over it.' it's  the only thing that got my friends to stop.

  2. First of all, good for you for being vegetarian!

    Second of all, I dont see why people are saying such ignorant things to you, unless you go around telling everyone around you it's wrong to eat meat.

    just tell them you want to eat healthier.

  3. Hmm, just tell them to get a life.

    if all they have to do is make fun of you for choosing a different lifestyle, they really need to get a one.

    or you could just tell them that:

    1. they daily consume products that are filled with cholesterol, salt, and fat.

    2.that vegetarians are 1/5 less likely to become obese.

    3. meat causes heart diase and that a vegetarian diet reverses it.


    4. just ignore it.

    I asked a very simular question like this on yahoo :]


  4. Just educate yourself so you know what to say. Do you need to eat meat? No, of course not. You can get your nutrients and protein from plant and meat free sources. Are you built to eat meat? Yes, unfortunately they are right on that one. I don't think you can stop anyone from saying what they want to, although you can laugh at them for their ignorance if it makes you feel better.

  5. I don't believe that our teeth are made especially for eating meat. Look at some of the carnivores in the animal kingdom like cats and wolves, their teeth are totally different from ours. Our teeth are ideal for chomping and grinding raw vegetables. Ask some of those meat eaters if they are aware that meat can not digest in the human body and that it has to rot it's way through the intestines.Tell them that you respect their right to consume the flesh and the insides of non-human animals and you would appreciate it if they would respect your food choices as well.

  6. just cool. don't bothering them. you are you. just to be YOU!OK

    o y, i heve a good ide for vegan, klik this site

  7. just ingore it, and you dont have ot go around telling everyone your a vegetarian.

    and make up comebacks for the things they say most often, research some of the stuff they say so that you can try and prove them wrong

  8. If you dont react to what they say... they will stop cause its no longer fun for them. Who cares what they think? Its what you believe.
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