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I want to become a vegetarian but my parents wont let me. How can I try and convince them that its a good thing and what sorts of food can I eat and will I be healthier?




  1. I'm trying too!

    nothing's working!

    they say I need the animal protein :(

    .....soya is a good source of protein

  2. I know EXACTLY how you feel and what position you are in except I only live with my dad, and he hunts a lot.  So, our freezer is stocked with deer meat.  It's disgusting, but anyway...

    Go to and get the free vegetarian starter kit sent to your house.  It is really persuasive and informative.  It also contains alternatives to meat (veggie burgers, veg. chickin nuggets, etc.)

    Vegetarians do still eat eggs and dairy products, so tell them not to worry about calcium, protein, and vitamin D.  The average American actually overdoses on it, and that can cause osteoporosis instead of preventing it like the "Got Milk?" campaign suggests.  

    If you do it right, you will feel better than you've ever felt.  I personally do not think that humans are built to eat meat.  Just research different topics:

      -"are humans made to eat meat?"

      -"good vegetarian snacks"

      -"parents unsupportive of vegetarian"

      -"convincing people about vegetarianism"

      -"chemicals humans eat in meat"

    I know they sound kind of potentially offensive (lol), but that is how I learned.  And the funny thing is that you can actually try to find a good meat-eater's argument about why humans should eat meat, but you won't be able to--there aren't any!!

    You will eat a lot of grains, rice, fresh vegetables, and fruits.  To convince them that this is better for your body:

    1.  heat your oven to 98.6 degrees Farenheit.  (or 100--the key is to get it as close to a human's body temperature as possible)

    2. take a slice of fruit and put it on the left side of a cookie sheet

    3. take a slice of raw meat and put it on the other side.

    4. put the cookie sheet in the oven and watch it.  This is what happens in your body.

    Maybe that will gross them out enough to be convinced....

    I hope this helped a little!

  3. Tell them all the health benefits (longer age, good for body), and tell them the reason why you want to go veg

  4. That's kind of stupid how your parents don't want you to be vegetarian. It's like my mom. But i'm still vegetarian. And she kind of got over it and ignored it and c**p. You don't have to do what I'm going to tell you but If you want to be vegetarian You would just do it, So Ignore your parents and all that and just be vegetarian. It's your life, you get to do whatever you want with it.

  5. I'm kinda Vegitarian. I have the same problem with my parents. Gradually stop eating red meats, but retain the white meats (such as chicken and fish). While you're growing you still need some form of iron and protein, wait until you leave home to cut out all meats entirely (my parents hate that i dont eat red meat, but i refused to eat it, and i think eating fish and chicken is a reasonable compromise)

  6. May be you are not ready to become a vegetarian, if you have to ask if you will be healthier,

    The quality of proteins, iron, calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc may be some of the issues. You will have to find the right foods to make sure that you are healthy. You must research the subject and then formulate a plan to become a vegetarian.

    I am sure once your parents have seen your zeal by research, they wil have less of an objection.

  7. well i cant understand why they wont let u? perhaps they dont want to cook extra and seperate meals or they are worried you are trying to diet or may miss out on iron etc which is found in meat.

    Maybe google or look up some good veggie recipies like make carrot and cheese muffins or look up some indian vegetarian curries and try and get interesting and easy to make recipies and prove to your family you can cook for yourself and its not hard and perhaps help them get into the habbit of eatting healthier. If their worried about you not getting enough iron etc many veggies eat alot of leafy greens and spinach or may take supplements. Remember by being vegetarian doesnt mean you will automatically be healthier - make sure you dont hit the junk food cabinets, eat more pastries and foods high in carbs or sugar.

    good luck, try and see your parents point of view and come to a comprimise because i found that making a hissy fit and argueing never helps! talking to them in a mature manner will help you get your point accross! :D

  8. Guess they don't think that at your age your body has stopped growing and you still need protein.  It's not ALWAYS a good thing to be a vegetarian.  If you don't have the money or means to buy the extra food you need for protein, then making your own food wouldn't be an option.  It also takes extra time for the preparation.

    Get a good recipe book and a diet plan book on becoming a veg. and do research before you try this.

  9. Eating veg or non veg is ur wish I think it's not fair on your parents part not allowing you to be vegetarian

  10. I just answered this for another person.  I have the exact same problem as you. My parents won't let me be a vegetarian either. So here's what I'm doing: I try not to eat meat whenever possible(that is, when they're not watching or I don't eat dinner at home), and I go by the basis that I have a whole lifetime to do what I want. In other words, I've resolved that I will go veg once I'm out of the house. I'm going to gr12 in the fall, so it's only another year. And here's another tip: don't tell your parents about your anti-meat beliefs. It'll cause them to freak. Just act like you're not vegetarian and show more preference for meat-free dishes. That way, they won't suspect anything. You're not doing anything bad. It's just that the society here is big on meat and protein, so that's why your parents are like that. Meat is also viewed as a luxury by many cultures. I wanted to go veg since I was eight. I just kept it in my heart all this time. People don't accept others that easily though- there's a lot of bias towards people like us. So basically don't show it out, keep it in, that's the best approach. Then one day when you're on your own, tell them how you felt at this age and declare openly that you are a vegetarian. Then it's their choice to accept it or not, and they can't stop you then because you'll be an adult. When you can, don't eat meat. But if you have to, unfortunately, you may be forced to comply. It's just a small inconvenience, although it's horrible. Just put up with it, then do your own thing.You're old enough to know your own beliefs.

  11. Look for the already 7000 questions just like this one and read those answers.....

    I swear this question is asked 10 or more times a day!  
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