
Vegetarian stomach upset?

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I have recently re-entered the vegetarian world. I feel fantastic except for one thing....I often get that acidic stomach feeling, almost like heartburn. I think my body is just readjusting to all the veggies/fiber/soy, any suggestions on what to do?




  1. You need to take a break from all the veggies!  Thats is what is getting your stomach upset!

  2. soy and fiber are good but keep them in prespective you need the largerst part of the diet to be vegetables and fruits and keep protien in its place no more than 25 - 30% of the meal and try makeing beans and grains mixed more ot he types of protien than the vegie foods as they are called.

    you get to much acid it will cause problems with acid but if you will try to keep the main foods vegetables and fruits this will help.

    also things like soy are not acid and if not over eathen will be more alkaline than some to fhe grain foods.

    i love tofu temph and soy beans as a whole bean added to rice or millet cooked is a whole grain combination of the 8 essencentail amino acids needed for the day.

  3. The question is when do you get this feeling, right after you eat or later on, when you go to sleep.  If it is later on you may be suffering from Acid Reflux.  This is caused when the muscle holding your stomach closed relaxes and stomach acid flows into your esophagus.  A variety of foods can aggrevate this condition including a number of vegetables.  If it is then you may have to go on medication for this or adjust your diet to avoid certain items.

    If it occurs shortly after eating then it is possible that it is due to adjusting to a different eating style.  Try moderating what you eat, eat smaller meals and increase the number of meals you eat.  In other words instead of eating 3 meals a day eat the same amount over 4 or 5 meals during the day.  You can also try reducing/eliminating certain items and see if that has an effect on your symptoms.  If so then try introducing them back in small quantities to allow your system time to adjust.  If they symptoms persist even with small quantities you need to find an alternative to that item.

    If adjusting/eliminating does not affect your burning sensation then it may also be reflux and I suggest that you speak to your doctor regarding this possibility.  A common treatment is ranitidene which is available over the counter in a number of acid reducer products such as Zantac and numerous generic brands.

  4. This would be happening if your body is having problems digesting food. Whether it is because you have taken something out of your diet that supplies good probiotics/digestive enzymes or because you have put something into your diet that your body isn't used to...

    In order to fully understand the problem, you would have to give us more information on your diet in the past.

    I know that when I went vegan, I had a lot of the same problems. I went to a naturopathic doctor and he had me get a vegan Acidophilus supplement from my local healthfood store, along with some Papaya enzyme. (The papaya enzyme that I use is from whole foods, and it is called omega-zyme... It containes papaya, bromine, and other digestive enzymes. Read labels and you can find a vegetarian digestive supplement fairly easy...) I take one pill of each along with each meal I eat, and it has worked wonders!

    You should also try for a few days eliminating soy from your diet. A lot of people are soy intolerant, but don't know it. I always feel sort of ill when I eat soy and wheat gluten... This was a new development, and I never had this problem before going veg.

    Good luck, and feel better!

  5. beano

  6. heyy

    try to balance out the things you eat while still staying vegetarian. vary the types of vegetables you eat and dont eat to much of one thing or the other.

    it is most likely your body just reajusting to your diet, it should settle down soon!!

    hope this helps

  7. For how long has this been happening? Give it a few days, anyway.

    Just make sure you eat a balanced diet . . . try to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need.

    And I apologize for not being able to adequately answer your question.

  8. Soy can do that, especially when its not fermented (soy sauce.)

    limit your intake on it at first, and increase protein from nuts and beans.  Limit dairy with soy if you eat/drink that.

    Fiber shouldn't cause heartburn or anything like that.

  9. It probably is your stomach readjusting to getting more vegatables, fiber and soya in your diet. Try eating beans and green leafy vegatbles to get more iron. If you still have the acidic stomach feeling go to a dietian and see what they say. Just ignore the narrow minded people telling you to eat meat. If you want to talk about being a vegetarian I'll happily speak to you as i was a vegetarian for over a year but I had to stop as I was becoming really ill but it was nothing to do with my vegetarianism.

  10. get rid of the vegetarian label.  start eating a balanced diet that is healthy and nutritious and includes a variety of foods.  eliminate all milk products.

  11. A handful of Fenugreek Seeds-soak in water overnight.Next day wash it twice, in tap water.Spread over a stainless steel sieve and allow to sprout.It may take one more day-Keep in Refrigerator.Change when they become stale-Daily before food,take a tea-spoonful,munch very finely and swallow.The mucin(muco-polysaccharides) in fenugreek will adsorb excess acid produced in the stomach and one will have comfortable feeling.It is a Herbal Natural product and safe.

    It is moderately bitter and one has to put up with that.

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