
Vegetarianism and moods?

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Does anyone know if there have been any studies that have found a correlation between improvement in moods and vegetarianism? I ask b/c earlier this year I started having bad panic attacks and was told I had generalized anxiety disorder and was given Xanax to take whenever I needed it. I had heard that what you eat can affect anxiety and moods so I started eating healthier and ultimately went vegetarian about 1 month ago. Since that time I feel so much better physically and also mentally, I have all but totally weaned myself off the Xanax, in fact it has been an entire week since I took one. I think it's too much of a coincidence that I stopped eating meat and I feel "normal" again. I would love to know if anyone else has gone thru anything similar or if there is any studies done on this?




  1. I had the same experience going vegan.  I was on Fluoxetine (Generic Prozac), but stopped that and feel great.  Not only did my mood become more chipper, but I sleep and wake up much easier (which might have something to do with the moods), and my endurance is much higher.

  2. I'm a clinical psychologist, and I can tell you there have certainly been strong correlations found between mood and what foods people consume. Since you've given up a number of foods effectively in one go, it's difficult to pick which food/s might affect this, or if whether it's just food, or a combination of things. But I would agree that it's unlikely to be a coincidence that you've been able to reduce your Xanax.

    By all means, keep at it if it helps you. I know my adapting a vegan diet has given me similar benefits, although I haven't suffered any anxiety disorders as such. Good luck!

  3. 1) There are a lot of hormones in meat food products.., hormones can effect mood.., so for sure.

    2) Whenever you are healthy your mood improves.., so eating healthy makes you more healthy.., in the same hand.., if you don't get enough of what you need, like protein, it can make your mood go bad.., so whatever is better for you and makes you healthy will improve your mood.

    3) Veggies, particurally raw ones, have food enzymes that help our digestion. Most American's don't eat enough food enzymes and they have digestion problems because of it. Slow digestion can equal a physical depression.., which puts you in a bad mood.., so again, yes.

    4) There's a lot of info on how eating raw fruits and veggies gives you vitamins and enzymes that improve everything from blemishes to mood.., just read up on it. :-)

  4. Changing my diet recently (vegetarian excluding SOME dairy) has made me feel terrible. Really depressed.

  5. Just from personal experience, I became much happier and lighter feeling the first few months i went veg. I felt i could breathe easier, I picked my battles and stressed out's unexplainable but I was happier. No joke.

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