
Vegetarians, I need your opinion.?

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My sister claims to be a vegetarian. She hasn't eaten meat for almost 6 years. She said it's a combination of animal rights and she claims to get sick from meat. However, I had her over for dinner Wednesday and cooked vegetarian chili. But, it wasn't really vegetarian. I swore to her that I used soy meat from Whole Foods, but it was really venison and some pork. After two days she has not gotten sick. So this proves that she is full of s**t. How should I tell her I know she is a fraud and not a real vegetarian?




  1. WHAT THE F*** !?

    You're stupid.

    She's not going to die..

    Maybe it's only some meat that makes her ill - or psycologically she gets ill from knowing it was dead animal.

    If you tell her, she might get sick.  you're the one full of s**t though

  2. The type of sick she is talking about is indigestion, the type of sick where you spend a lot of time on the toilet. Any new food can be cause this so if she doesn't eat a lot of chili she probably dismissed the tummy rumbles as the beans and nothing more. I speak from experience, I know when I've been lied to. The first time I was up all night violently vomiting, the next time I just had to spend the morning near a bathroom and experienced minor discomfort. But I was sick none the less. Mostly I was sickened by the way one person can treat another and how some people have no regard for others.

    By the way you've earned your own private pit in h**l. Call your sister up and apologize profusely. You malice is bizarre and irrational. Why would you deliberately want to hurt your sister, either physically or emotionally? She obviously trusts you enough to some over, spend time with you, and eat your cooking. Why would you betray her so brutally? That is more than a bit sadistic and certainly very cruel behavior on your part.

  3. how the f'k is she a fraud?


    your just a d**k dude,

    i hope you d i e && get eaten by worms :)

  4. That was sneaky and rude. Just because you  don't eat meat for a long period doesn't mean you get sick, it differs. If my sister did that to me I'd be so angry. I'm veggetarian. if you really loved your sister you would support her not trick her.

  5. She is still a real vegetarian.  Only knowing she was eating meat would mean she isn't a vegetarian.  If she gets ill from it, it may be psychological but that doesn't make her a fraud at all.  It does however make you a pretty pathetic excuse for a sibling.

  6. the only reason she's "not a real vegetarian" is because you tricked her. i'm not a vegetarian and probably never will be, but when i go a few months without red meat and then i eat it, it does upset my stomach. you're just being a brat!

  7. If this really happened - and I bet it didn't - it doesn't make your sister either a fraud or not a real vegetarian.

    When you slip gluten to coeliacs, vodka to teetotalers or bacon to Jews, do you tell them they're fakes too?

  8. huh?  why is she a fraud?  maybe she has a strong stomache did you think of that?  my boyfriend eats beer with ice cream and all sorts of other c**p that would have me puking and he's fine.  

    you however, are worse than a fraud.  your a horrible horrible sister.  what if she had gotten sick?  would that make you feel good?  how about the fact that your just doing something evil while she is doing something good?  maybe she told you meat makes her sick so you would leave her alone?  maybe she never thought her sister would be evil enough to test that.  does she poison your meals?  grow up.

  9. You area mean person and I hope that you eat a moldy rat.

  10. if you want my honest opinion you're a jackass to do that to your sister. if my brother did that to me I'd never talk to him again (it's that big a deal). Go apologize and grow up. Just because it didn't make her throw up doesn't make her not a real vegetarian, it just means her siblings are inconsiderate and insensitive.

  11. WOW!  how disrespectful - do you even care about your sister?  and if she some one you do care about, why would you deceive her, and be so unkind.  just cuz she did not get ill from your deceitful ploy does not mean she isn't only eating veggies or that she is a fraud.  just that you got lucky.  she may "claim" she gets ill from meat so she does not have to explain each and every reason she has made the choice Not to eat meat.  advice........Grovel & beg for mercy and say you are sorry for disrespecting her choice and that you'll Never do it again - if you are lucky she may trust you again in this life time.   i have 4 sons & 2 daughters all veggies, grown & still veggies  - i know any one of them would pound the other and have real trust issues with anyone especially family if they had been deceived like what you did - it is not a laughing matter - good luck you're gonna need it.  a veggie Mom

  12. What an *** hole.  Tell your sister when she's in a good mood so that she doesn't kill you.

  13. Soy meat does not taste, feel, look or smell anything like venison.

    Anyone who had been a vegetarian for 6 years would notice the difference instantly..

    Trolls probably wouldn't, though.

  14. It only proves that you're a jerk. Not only do you have zero respect for her, you're actually being antagonistic. If you 'fess up, she'll probably be pretty angry. On the positive side, she'll likely never trust you again and will be able to be true to herself.

    Intent counts for quite a bit. If your decisions are to eat vegetarian, then you're as close as you can be. Nobody knows when their malicious little brother is going to trick them.

    That being said, I'm actually quite surprised that she didn't notice. I can taste it when a soup is made with chicken stock, even if it sounds vegetarian (like cream of mushroom). I'd think that actual meat would be very obvious, especially the strongly-flavored meats like venison and pork. I'm also quite surprised that she didn't get any kind of upset stomach. Meat fat is really quite rich and if you haven't had it in awhile it can definitely cause problems. Six years? She'd definitely have difficulty. So I think it's rather likely that you made this story up for a reaction.  

  15. Okay, first, it's pretty messed up for you to do that.  What if she had gotten sick?  Why do you want to "win" over your sister so badly?  Are you jealous that she believes in something, that she has willpower, are you very immature, or is this just carried over resentment from childhood?

    Just because you think she hasn't gotten sick this time doesn't mean she wasn't sick.  Did you check the toilet for diarrhea?  And also even if she didn't get sick, she is still a "real vegetarian".  She just got lucky this time.  It's God helping her out for having given her an brother.

    How would you feel if you found out I gave you a cat burger and called it beef?  Betrayed? Grossed out? Angry?  

    Grow up and tell her so she knows never to eat what you cook again.

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