
Vegetarians! What exactly are the rules ?

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I mean I know you don't eat meat but how specific are you compared to a Vegan who doesn't eat any animal products?




  1. it depends what type of vegetarian you are talking about because there are loads!

    im pasting and copying alot of them and dont worry you dont have to read it all lol :P

    Lacto Ovo Vegetarian

    A lacto ovo vegetarian does not eat meat, fish or poultry, but eats eggs and milk. They eat eggs and products made with eggs in them, yogurt, cheese, milk and ice creams.

    Lacto Vegetarian

    A lacto vegetarian does not eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs, but includes dairy products in their diet. They will eat milk, ice cream (that does not include eggs), yogurt and cheese. They would avoid ice creams, baked goods, pancakes and veggie burgers that contain eggs.


    A vegan does not eat any fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products or foods that contain any of these products. They also do not use any non-food items that contain products from animals, including wool from sheep, leather and silk. Vegans often do not eat honey, because bees may be killed while harvesting it.

    According to many vegans, it is pronounced VEE-gun. A vegan diet consists of vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, fruits and seeds. This diet tends to be high in fiber and moderate in protein and fat.

    A vegan will not use margarine that has casein, a milk product, in it and they do not use shoes that are made from leather. Vegans do not eat white granulated sugar because it is often processed by using char derived from animal bones to whiten the sugar. They also do not use products that are tested on animals, as are many cosmetics.


    A macrobiotic diet is mainly vegetarian, but macrobiotic diets often include seafood. In this diet all other meat products are excluded, as are eggs and dairy products. They also do not eat "nightshade vegetables" (potato, pepper and eggplant), refined sugar and tropical fruits. This diet contains many foods found in Asian countries such as miso soup, root vegetables (daikon and lotus) and sea vegetables (seaweed, kelp, arame).

    It emphasizes eating locally grown foods that are in season. Meals consist of 50% to 60% grains, 25% locally grown produce, and the rest of the diet mainly consists of beans and soups. In lesser amounts fruits, nuts and seeds are eaten.

    This diet is based on the Chinese principles of yin and yang. Some people follow this diet as a philosophy of life and others follow it for health reasons.


    A fruitarian is a person who only eats fruits and vegetables that are actually classified as fruits such as avocados, nuts, seeds, eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes.

    Raw or Living Food Diet

    One who follows a raw food diet is a person who for the most part only eats raw foods that are not cooked. One who follows this type of diet believes that cooking changes food in a negative way and makes it less nutritious, diminishing the vitamin and mineral contents of the food. Most people who follow a raw-food diet only eat between 50% to 80% of their food raw. There is some logic to a raw food diet in the fact that cooking food destroys nutrients. But cooking food on the other hand makes foods easier to digest, which often offsets the anti-nutritional factors.

    sorry its a bit of a overload haha!

  2. vegetarians generally don't eat red meat or pork or chicken and sometimes fish.

    vegans don't eat any meat, or wear any animal tested products or anything made from animal anything so you're left with cotton and hemp

  3. For a vegetarian, the animal cannot be killed in the process.

  4. Don't worry about the rules. Eat and live how you feel is the right way to. I think eating something that was cruelly killed is wrong so I abstain from all meat, fish included. I also only buy products that guarantee that the animal was treated well. I buy organic milk from "Happy Cows" as the packaging says. Just eat and live in harmony with animals. Get a pet too, I love dogs, and if I could I'd have a pet Hippo, I love hippos even more!!!LOL!!!

  5. Being vegeterian isnt really strict all you do is dont eat red meat or chicken. You can drink milk eat cheese and all the good stuff which is made from animals. Just dont eat meat and you should be fine. :)

  6. I don't know about any 'rules' - but I can give you the def. of the word, "vegetarian".



    a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.

    Says it all.  You eat all the same things that you eat now - just forgo animal based products.

  7. Vegetarians typically do not consume slaughterhouse by-products like gelatin and animal rennet either.

  8. To me, vegetarianism is not a strict serie of rules to be followed but more of a personal choice. I chose not to eat dead animals, that's pretty much how i sum it up. Some feel certain sea-foods are ok to eat as a vegetarian, but that's really up to the individual.

  9. Vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry, fish, or seafood (any flesh). PERIOD.

    Vegans do not eat meat, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy, eggs, or honey (some vegans argue about whether or not honey is ok, but most agree that it is not)

    Those are the basic differences. Both vegetarians and vegans typically carefully read food labels to make sure there is nothing in the food they are going to eat that they oppose to.

  10. The only rule is you don't eat anything that has a face. Some of us eat eggs and, or dairy products (lacto-ovo)

    Some of use borrow from the Vegan life style avoiding, or cutting back on things like: leather, wool, honey, and silk.

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