
Vegitarian Question!?

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i am a vegitarian,

dont ask me why or ridicule me.

but i am.

so my family, is always looking for places i can eat. cause we eat out A LOT

so are there any ways i could stop them from worrying?




  1. Oh I have the exact same problem. I find things where ever. Even if it's just a salad. The way I get them to not worry about it is by saying (sometimes a thousand times) that I will just find something and just pick a place. This is my choice and you guys shouldn't have to change because I did. There is this website that you can look at and it tells you what is vegetarian friendly at certain places. Here's the link:

  2. I am a vegetarian also and I go out to eat anywhere! there is always something you can find on a menu....salads, soups, sandwiches....sometimes you just have them modified so there isn't meat on them...most places are very courteous when it comes to that..

    Tell them not to worry, just make sure you get enough can eat beans, soy burgers/hotdogs, tofu...etc...

    I hope I helped!!

  3. I have to admit I don't fully get what your actual question is.

    You can order vegetarian dishes in literally every place, even in steakhouses you can just get a salad.

    Or are your parents worried about you being in vegetarian in general?

  4. You can order anything, you might need to ask to substitute something though. Restaurants are starting to accommodate vegan and vegetarians now-a-days. So lets say you see a kick **** salad with chicken on it, ask to hold the chicken and maybe add extra onion on it. Or maybe ask for some bread to go with the salad to replace the meat. Almost any place will be more than happy to have you.

    as a vegan, it is harder because everything is a restaurant has cheese or dairy it seems like.

  5. I agree that you can find vegetarian fare virtually anywhere- even if it's just a salad, or pasta with tomato sauce.

    However, if you (or your family) are looking for restaurants with more interesting vegetarian items on the menu, a great website is:

  6. I have the same problem I'm a vegan and here there are no real vegan meals at any restaurant so when you find out let me know

  7. Almost any restaurant will have vegetarian options.  Read through the menu or ask the waitress.  If there are no vegetarian choices, then certain things can be prepared vegetarian-style, like pasta for example.  Once again, just ask.

    There was only one time in my life when I was eating out and there was no vegetarian option whatsoever, and that was at a steakhouse.

  8. You stop them from worrying by showing them that you can order something veggie at almost any restaurant. Even stake houses have backed potatoes and salads. You will need to learn to talk to the staff and ask what they can make for you that has no meat in it. If they ask why just tell them that your beliefs forbid you to eat meat.

  9. Any restaurant which serves predominantly Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Indian or Thai foods.Many of those types of cuisine have a  good deal of primarily meatless dishes

  10. I think it's pretty cool that they want to do that.

    You should view that as an opportunity to get your parents into eating some good meatless food.

    A lot of parents these days are starting to see the major benefits of dropping meat.

    If you're tactful and patient about it, you could very well get them to stop eating meat too.

    But, if you really just want to get them to stop worrying, just keep reminding them that the restaurant will have things like salad and bread that will be perfectly fine for you.

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