
Vertical Jump techniques?

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Does anyone have some of the main workouts needed to improve ones vertical jump on both one and two feet. Also can anyone clarify the best jumping programs (The Vertical Bible, AA etc.) Any info or links for this would be greatly appreciated. I am so close to dunking only a few inches away, but I want to get at least 6 or 7 inches more.

Thank You




  1. I went from a 19 inch vertical to a 35 inch vertical. (in a 5 year span) I took weight training in high school and worked alot on my legs. Squats, power cleans, and snatches are the three best things you can do for a vertical. Don't do long distant running, that will only hurt it. Rather do lots of sprints, the key is to be explosive. Jump rope, jump over cones/hurdles, and find wooden boxes or a small wall (2 to 3 ft high) and jump onto it. There are a lot of other things, but the things I have suggested don't cost any money and can do pretty much anywhere.

  2. the vertical project is the best, i gained 5 inches in 2 months

    the downside is that its pretty expensive but if you really want to gain muscle on your legs and inches to your vertical then this program is for you

  3. check this out:

    and you don't even have to pay for anything..

  4. right now for volleyball you should be lifting heavy weights. You should be able to squat atleast 1.5 times your own weight. This will reduce the chance of knee injury and all other leg injuries. But one really good way to increase your verticle if you can afford them, jump soles. I am a 6'2" girl who can dunk now thanks to those. And it only took me 2 weeks with them.

  5. Squats and lunges

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