
Very Bad Friendship Troubles...?

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Well Me And This Girl Were Once Best Friends In 5th Grade And A Little Bit Of 6th Grade...Then Over The 7th Grade Summer Break I Became Gothic Three Months Ago And Shes Allways Been Mad About That, But A True Friend Would Accept Me She Is Not Doing That And Shes Trying To Force Me To Act Like I Did In 5th Grade But That Was Two Years Ago...And Ive Grown And Matured, Thus We Havent Talked In One Week And If We DO Talk its Once a week ONLINE Can Sombody Help I'm Thinkig About Giving Up This Friendship I Dont Think She Likes Me Anyways...well your opinion




  1. well maybe you should ask her why she doesnt like the new gothic you. she *may* give a reason which you may actually think about. not by giving up gothic but just that main fact which disturbs her. but if she says she doesnt like gothic just because its gothic then there really isnt anything you can do. I mean I'm not saying dont be friends completely, but try to seperate a little bit if have to. A true friend should accept you as who you are, and you are thinking and making the right choices. Maybe there's a way, if she doesnt like you as who you are, to remain friends but just not as close. I know these things do happen -- but strength is always needed to find your way through these rough paths.

    good luck and if you need help you can always ask me ;) that is if you want tooo...XD

  2. i think this has to do more with the change word when she gives the talk about your clothes say i like what i wear or say somthing aroun the lines i am comfortable with it whatever if she keep saying this 3 times to her if she says the same thing over again and again then if that doesn't work then say somthing bad about her clothes like there ugly or somthing wait a few minutes then say you don't like that do you well i don't like you insulting my clothes but when you say all this stuff do it in a very calm voice don't rase it my friend has this exact same problem shes color coordinated i like to mix things up a bit yet still go in color

  3. Try and have a chat with her about the fact that you are both your own individuals and that you grow in different ways and at different rates but you would still like to be her friend.  And yes you are right.... a true friend would accept you anyway.. Good Luck!

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