
Very Serious, Who hates immagrants?

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I dont mind people who come over due to war and stuff. But the people that come over and do NOTHING for us just lounge around costing us money. Or maybe ones that go around stealing stuff and causing problems.




  1. what i really hate is british people and i am british, who won't work

    claim benefits by pretending to be ill etc and sit and moan about

    immigrants. trace your family tree and you are likely to find irish

    and welsh and probably european if you go back far enough.

    unless they are from eu these people can't lounge around costing

    us money because they aren't given any.

    as for stealing etc where do your facts come from.

    you are lucky to be british and be able to hold a british passport.

    suggest you travel a bit and broaden your mind.

  2. Do spell, and don't generalise.

    I don't like parasitic immigrants, but I do like those that wish to work and are productive.

    Not all that laze around scratching their bums and demand an easy paid for life are immigrants.

    We have plenty of ''lazy lifer loafers'' producing ''lazy lifer loafers'' that belong to the native population.

    Peddle your ill informed hatred elsewhere.  

  3. I don't.  It is spelt the way.

  4. I don't hate any immigrants, but many whiny immigrants are ignorant and claim that they are hated and try to play the race card when they even now that's not true, it's illegals that are disliked.

  5. i dont hate immigrants however i disagree with the idea we come over because of war here in britain were being stretched when we had the blitz we iddnt all bugger off so what we let in 60 million people from a country due to a war, whats wrong with other countries, sorry were too soft, immigrants shouldnt be paid benefits they should only be allowed in if theyre vital to our economy or already have a well paid job, they should integrate and not try changing our way of life, im british and proud why should it be insulting for me to fly my countries flag

  6. I dont know why we let them in (britain) but the only problem i see is that they work for cheap and therefore we have no jobs avalible. Its not like theyre killing the country.

  7. Sure, there are bad immigrants, but there also are good immigrants. And whether you like it or not, they've long been used in many countries/continents across the world. And they're still used now.

    It would be beneficial to you and your understanding of the world if you would try to learn about a topic/issue before presenting such an ignorant question.

    What do you feel about citizens who do the same things?

    For the most part, immigrants (we all came from immigrants, our ancestors, both distant and recent all came to America for a better life) help the societies they come to. They're looking for a better living. But, yes, there are bad people in every group.

    And just to let you know, America also has turned away people trying to seek asylum or refuge here.

    If you hate those bad immigrants coming here, then you should try to become more active and keep Americans from hiring illegal immigrants, from using their services, from buying things they make or produce. Start with you. If you hate them that much, stop buying clothes and others things made by them. Stop going to businesses that hire them.

    Don't be a hypocrite now. Live up to your own beliefs and words.  

  8. I think the Gurkha's should be allowed to come into our country, and so should qualified workers which we need. But not people who are gonna scrounge of the state and destroy our culture.

  9. I hate people who can't spell immigrants.

  10. We can't tar all immigrants with the same brush, not matter how easy it is. It's a shame the odd few (the ones we see most of) are wastes of space sponging off our government. I am perfectly happy to have immigrants working here, living here and coming over to either better there lifes or to escape war. However i don't think they should be treated comfortably. They should be made to work and pay taxes!! The attitude of some of these immigrants is appauling, there first english words are swearing and they do not treat british citizens with respect. Our government should tighten up it's belt before the only people living on this island are immigrants. We should all migrate!

  11. Remember that, if you go back far enough, the English are just Germans with boats.

  12. Do you need a hug?

  13. I like immigration.  I think it adds a new cultural diversity to a country.  And plenty of people who were born and raised in a nation "go around stealing stuff and causing problems".  

    And we aren't at war with Iraq as a nation, we are at war with insurgents IN Iraq.

  14. Everyone is an immigrant. Pretty much every country has founded itself on the bringing together of different people. You are just ignorant

  15. not I-sir-you are a "BLABBERMOUTH". Done

  16. As already pointed out - it's immigrants, and you'd be surprised how many immigrants can spell and use correct punctuation in English - as opposed to the vast numbers of "British" people who don't even have a basic grasp of their own language.

    As already pointed out - many "British" people are immigrants - far more than are likely to have remained without inter racial relationships given that we have been invaded by and invaded several countries around the world.

    So, in short - no I don't hate immigrants, I hate the people who are too stupid to understand what their own thoughts really are, and those who don't understand that they themselves are the wasters.

  17. it is very hard not to hate someone who hates me and wishes me and my neighbours Harm .

  18. Hate them? No. Resent the mass influx of freeloaders coming in? Yes.

  19. i too hate the buggers.

    they should be sent home.............

  20. I don't have a problem with legal immigrants being here as long as they enter this country by legal representation, but, for those illegal one's.. I have no tolarance or no sympathy for them at all.

  21. Millions of people in the usa do. They try to disguise it by saying that they only hate the illegals, but it is very clear that they hate all immigrants

  22. You are very bitter. Has life not turned out they way you wanted it to?

  23. what i hate is people at my place of work gathered in a huddle speaking in a foreign language.

    what i hate i s people only coming here to claim benefits and get free health care.

    what i hate is people who have been here 30 years and still cant or wont speak english.

    what i hate is people who can work who wont.

    what i hate is people pretending to be sick.

    what i hate is pensioners not able to eat hot food and put the heating on these guys fought for our freedoms and for all those who choose to come here at one time  this d**n fine country was the only one standing up to a  massive bully.

    what i hate is ares of my country which are now no go areas for white people.

    what i hate is the fact there are now so many kids in this country at schools that we have to provide translators.

    this is a stupid situation, i am sure if we brits all decided to go to poland for instance we would all be welcomed with open arms, or to germany austrian etc etc. and we would not have to speak their languages or live by their laws etc etc etc

    yes i am annoyed but i don't hate that would make me something unpleasant.

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