
Very weird beach dream?

by Guest60579  |  earlier

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I dreamt I was at Cannon Beach with my family. Me and my brothers went into his weird, creepy beach shop. My brothers liked the shop, but I remember the feeling of just wanting to get out. So I left and then I was at the top of this hill with my parents. I was on my cell talking to my best friend. I remember the ocean waves were coming up really high. But then there was this huge wave that came up and I'm like, "We better back up" My parents weren't listening. The wave came up so high it was above our heads and I stared in horror (one of my biggest fears is tsunamis). I dropped my phone in the water. My parents just said nonchalantly "Oh, that's an economic wave" and then I tried to run away, but I tripped and I couldn't get up. I was desperately trying to climb back up, but then the wave got even bigger. My parens gasped really loudly and ran off. I lifted up my hand and waited for them to pick me up, but they kept running and left me. The dream ended there.

I just left to go across the country for two weeks and I won't see my parents. Is this dream just letting me know that I miss them or what?




  1. Your dream parents are correct about the 'economic wave'. and you are also correct in having misgivings for the near future.

    The 'gift shop' appears appropriately sinister to you, and my guess is that it is a representation to you of our national gift shop-"Wall Street"!

    Your parents were nonchalant, as they have known little else than prosperity and good times these last few decades, and the tsunami may affect them less than it would you or your friends and siblings. While they wouldn't abandon you, as such, you should seek your own safe haven...  

  2. You miss your parents and something is on your mind.  

  3. I think the creepy beach shop represents someplace strange and new that you aren't used to. The feeling of being away from your parents.

    Because you are leaving them for two weeks, in return, they left you when that "economic" wave came.

    I think the problem with you trying to crawl back up points to something thats just to big to grasp. like you let it get away and now you can't get it back again

  4. To dream that you are caught in a tidal wave, signifies the strength of your emotions, perhaps accompanied by tears that you are holding back in your waking life.

    To see the beach in your dream, symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. The sand is symbolic of the rational and mental processes while the water signifies the irrational, unsteady, and emotional aspects of yourself. It is a place of transition between the physical/material and the spiritual.To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life.

    You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem.

    It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself.

    To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

    You may feel that it is easier to give up then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under.

    To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean, indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Consider the state of the ocean, whether it is calm, pleasant, forbidding, etc.

    To dream that you are looking toward the beach, suggests that you are returning to what is familiar to you. Alternatively, you may be adapting or accepting to the changes and circumstances in your life.

    To dream that you are relaxing on a beach, signifies that the coming weeks will be calm and tranquil for you. Your stress will be alleviated and you will find peace of mind.

  5. LOL: "Oh, that's an economic wave" :)

    Well surely if you miss your parents then you will know conciously and not just subconciously?  I don't think it's trying to tell you anything, it's just a compilation of thoughts/memories you have.

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