
Vets how much do they cost?

by  |  earlier

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my cat is about 8 years old and has an ear infection/ear mites. and her chin is either losing hair or has a rash or cats hear first started out as getting puffy then that went away and now its just down and hard and can barely get a q-tip in to try and clean it. and she freaks out when i try and even look at it. i want to take her to the vet but I'm scared they will think Ive been abandoning her, cause i haven't taken her in yet. things just haven't been so good here and im tight on money. i feed her play with her everything. she always scratches her ear but i try not to let her cause i dont want her to scratch it open and get infected even more... my boyfriend thinks the thing on her chin is cause she is just losing hair cause it happended to his dogs tail and all they did was buy special food for there coat?...

can some one please tell me about how much you think it will cost to take her to the vet. and please back up what you say so i know you, know what your talking about.




  1. alesha your in the 'reptile section with your question.

    You need to take her to the vet who cares what they think just get her taken care of.

    Go to a vet you will never go back to,K.

    so don't worry about what people think, you know you haven't done anything wrong.

  2. As long as they don't have to sedate her(most vets will agree cats get WAY nastier at the vet than dogs do), it will probably cost less than $100 for the checkup and treatment.

    I just took my dog to the vet recently, a German Shepherd, because she was quite sick, and the total was $92, for office visit, injection, and antibiotics to take home. It will most likely be even less for a cat depending on what is wrong with her.

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