
Vice President hypothetical question?

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Does the Vice President serve at the pleasure of the president? What I mean by that, can the President dismiss the Vice president at any time for any reason? And if so would the new nominee have to be confirmed by the senate like a supreme court nominee or by both houses of congress.




  1. New Vice Presidents -- to replace one who resigned, like Agnew did in 1973 -- are confirmed by both houses of Congress, unlike Cabinet members and judges, who are confirmed by the Senate only.

  2. The Vice President of the United States[1] (sometimes referred to as VP, Veep, or VPOTUS)[2] is the first person in the presidential line of succession, becoming the new President of the United States upon the death, resignation, or removal of the president. As designated by the Constitution of the United States, the vice president also serves as the President of the Senate, and may break tie votes in that chamber.[3] He or she may be assigned additional duties by the president but, as the Constitution assigns no executive powers whatever to the vice president, in performing such duties he or she acts only as an agent of the president.

  3. no, he/she has to be impeached, its in the Constitution. the veep is next in line for the presidency, anyway. the vice president is not the president's personal servant. they are a federal official, and cannot be replaced at will by the president, according to his whims and fancies

  4. No. The Vice President would have to be impeached to be replaced. Even if the President hates the VP, they can't replace them because they are next in line to the Presidency. Otherwise, the President may replace the VP with his wife or husband or sell the job to the highest bidder.

  5. No the vp cannot be fired by the president they are both elected by the people, the vp can be impeached and removed.

  6. i think so

  7. Read the constitution.

    The Vice President is elected when the President is, and serves for 4 years just like the President.  The VP cannot be replaced, unles he resigns or is impeached

  8. Julie is correct.  The VP can only be removed by Congress. This requires that he be impeached by the House (as Bill Clinton was) and convicted by the Senate (Bill Clinton was not).

    "And if so would the new nominee have to be confirmed by the senate like a supreme court nominee or by both houses of congress."

    Confirmation is by the Senate, as with judicial appointments.  Nixon's first VP resigned due to legal problems (income tax evasion) and Nixon nominated Gerald Ford, who was confirmed by the Senate.  

    Ford then succeeded Nixon as President when Nixon resigned.  IIRC, Ford is the only person to serve as President who was never elected.

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