
Video games?

by  |  earlier

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why do parents seem to scapegoat video games and movies for their childs actions? I think that the parents are at fault here...when you buy a game/movie for your child and said game/movie has a picture of a guy holding a chopped off head in his hand wouldnt that raise a red flag? call me old fashioned but i believe in actually being informed on what my kids are watching/playing. or all together.......shut off the electronics and take them and do some activity outdoors.




  1. I agree, these things have ratings for a reason and parents should follow them closely. These things should also be limited as far as how often and long they play.

  2. I agree.  And since you can rent any movie and any video game I don't know why parents don't view and watch these this first.  When you are in doubt, check it out.

    My husband works in the video game industry.  We have all sorts of game systems and games at my house, but my daughter will never see any of these things unless we are absolutely sure that it appropriate for her age.

  3. I agree,

    I used to play video games and watch movies that are questionable and definitely blamed for kids being out of control brats these days, but you wouldn't ever see me shooting people, stabbing them, cussing my parents out, etc.

    It's not the video games, movies, tv shows, music, etc. It's the parents. Parents are so quick to blame random things for their child's actions, so they don't have to blame themselves for their lack of parenting.

    Kids don't need to be sitting infront of the tv either. They need to be outdoors, into sports, etc.

  4. Amen.

  5. i have found with expirience that those type of parents are the ones who let their kids get away with everything! i am very picky about what my kids watch and play on the game- period. in fact, they know better thatn to even ask me anymore because i taught them how to read the warning on the games. as far as movies, they can watch any disney movie, and some on the tv , i have to know about it. any horror movies, i have to watch it first. then if i deem it appropriate, then they can watch-like scream, or american haunting, etc.that is the only thing i have a hard time with-horror. my whole family loves it. my kids are 12,12 & 8. my 8 year knows he cant yet, so i watch a different one with him. -i personally worry about games more. i think it makes it worse if my child is instigating the killing, choosing to kill the person or rob the bank or whatever, grand theft auto is the most ridiculous game i have ever seen. i agree totally with you!!
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