
Violin or Cello?

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I've been taking piano lessons for almost 3 years now, I'm not very good...but I want to take up either violin or cello...while still taking piano. Eventually I want to do both, but I was just wondering which would be the best to start with...violin or cello? I love them both!




  1. I recommend the cello. I think there is nothing prettier than cello music.

    Beginners sound better on the cello, violins are high, squeeky and difficult to get good sound out of without lots of training.

    While cellos are more difficult to transport, they are also more comfortable to play. You don't have to hold the instrument up and you always get to sit when playing :)

  2. I'm in orchestra, and i play Violin. I love it. They get the melodies often, and have higher notes than the Cello. So, if you want higher notes, Violin. Lower, Cello.

    But the melody/harmony thing changes if your not in a orchestra. Both are really fun playing in my opinion though. Good luck! :)

  3. i've been playing the violin for 8 years..and based from my experiences, playing the violin is better.

    here are the advantages when you'll choose the violin:

    you can carry it....anywhere....u don't need to have BIGMUSCLES just to carry these,

    next, violins, in orchestras, have the higher tunes and most often, the violins get the melody of an orchestra piece most often than the cellos...third, there are more violin players than cello players..fourth, (i too play the piano) holding the fingerboard while playing and playing the keys of the piano is just the same! so you will not have a hard time having a curved palm/hand...and you'll have a great position in holding your violin..not like the cellos...

    CELLOS ARE SO BIG!!!!! they're really heavy and it's difficult to learn.

    the point is VIOLIN is better than cellos

    and that's in my humble opinion..

    hope that helped

    if you're a girl, and you'd play the cello!! good luck anyway with the muscles!!!! ☺☺☺

  4. violin, then you won't to learn to read the music for cello.

  5. I'm a concert pianist, but the cello has always been my favorite instrument to listen to.  In my opinion, it mimics the human male voice, and I find it intriguing.  Yes, the violin gets the main melody more often, but the cello is definitely more s**y!

    One thing you might want to consider:  from personal experience, you might want to stick to only learning one instrument at a time.  If you were learning piano and harpsichord at the same time, I would say it would be OK since they are complimentary instruments with similar performance approaches.  But pianos and string instruments are completely different.  If you take up a string instrument, focus on learning everything about that instrument.  Piano playing requires a certain  sensitive touch, in fact you need to be able to sense the keys underneath your fingers before you depress the key.  You will develop callouses (sp?) on your fingers from depressing the strings on either a violin or cello, which will impair your ability to sense the keys on the piano....which of course will cause you to fall off the keys more often and make more mistakes.  

    Good luck with your decision and your music endeavors!

  6. Well I can play the violin but I wish I would have learned cello instead. Both are great, but violin is harder to play if you're planning on going far with it.
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