
Virginity and Royalty - 2007?

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I am American so I don't know - I heard Diana had to have an exam to prove her virginity before marrying Charles. Is this true or rumor? Is proof of virginity still required to marry a future king? Does the British public really care about virginity - it's 2007?




  1. I think William has already inspected young Kate,,many many times

  2. Ha ha! Get a grip.

  3. Yes, I am pretty sure it is a fact Diana was examined for proof of virginity before her marriage. I'm also pretty sure Kate Middleton would not be examined, because it is less important now.

    The old thinking was a man needed to marry a virgin to ensure she was chaste and all children of the marriage would belong to her husband. I think most people know believe that a woman's chastity before her marriage has little bearing on her remaining faithful to husband. Plus, now we have DNA testing if it is needed to check paternity.

    And yes, it is horribly sexist. Men were never expected to remain virgins.

  4. Where's the King already?

  5. They got rid of this.

  6. Yes it is apparently true.  That was how she got to the front of the queue.  Many men still prefer virgins.  Others prefer STDs.

  7. Yes, from what I have read she did have an exam. She was suppose to be a girl with no past, meaning no sexual history. Everyone knows Charles was not a virgin( double standards)

    To comment on one comment that Camellia didn't have to be a virgin. no duh. Would you expect someone to be at her age? The same rule didn't apply because they were both divorced and Charles is plenty old enough not to need his mother's approval.

  8. Not sure that she would have had an actual examination, although it's always possible, but there is a very good reason that the bride of a king or future king should be a virgin and that is because the royal family do not want to take a chance on there being a cuckoo in the nest.  ( What happens after the marriage is another matter and open to speculation).

  9. That may be the case two decades ago. Virginity is no longer a sacred practice within the royal traditions. Royal members are not Gods nor are they being worshipped like one, they are normal human beings who experience what everyone else goes through.

    As for being a virgin in general, everyone (including the royals) has the decision to decide whether they want to save their "virginity" til marriage or give it to someone they truly love. It is really up to the individual and whether they are royalty or not, does not take that right away.

  10. i doubt it...i bet ots a rumour! doubt prince charles was virgin coz he liked camila before hand they had s*x!

  11. No.  Its nonsense. Besides there is definitive no medical test which proves virginity either way.

    As long as the monarchs spouse isn't a Roman Catholic and therefore beholden to a foreign religious cult, no-one is bothered.  

    It should be pointed out that many previous royal spouses were not virgins when they married.  I can think of one king who married his brothers widow for example.

    Being an American you will be familiar with Sarah Ferguson, who married the second in line to the throne.  No one would suggest that she was chaste when she married.

  12. Well, the Royal Horse Faced w***e, Camilla, certainly wasn't a virgin when she married Charles.

  13. what nonsense!!!

    I think in 2007, the royals are more relaxed such matters. As long as she doesnt have a big colourful past, it wont matter.

  14. To my knowledge the Diana thing was a rumor but she was reportedly  a virgin when they married. And no, especially in Great Britain and lot of other westernized monarchy, I doubt this is the case today that a virginity test is required or that the heirs remain and/or marry virgins.

  15. yes, the intended is to have a exam if she's to marry a monarch.

    we don't want any tell tales from men or women about past endivers.

  16. No, not to prove virginity, but would have had to undergo an examination before marriage to make sure she could bear children so that there would be an heir to the throne.  This will always be the case

  17. The Diana/Virginity story was a deliberate piece of misinformation fed to the press by royal sources who of course were 'unidentifiable'.

    No, in 2007, there is no virginity requirement, though any woman marrying William would no doubt be amused to see stories about her being a virgin 'leaked' to the gutter press.

  18. During birth, I believe it was law to have several officials present to insure that the kid coming out was the heir and not hte chambermaid's offspring that may have been the master

    s anyway.

    But, I think they did away with that in Diana's day.

    What the public cares about and what the law requires and/or is are two different matters.    Who cares whom marries a Catholic, but they can't by law.    

    That is, unless it's been changed.

  19. That is absolute garbage.

  20. in the 80s it was considered proper for the future king of englands wife to be a virgin and yes diana was investigated to establish whether or not she was in fact virgo intacta. the result was that she didnt have form as they phrased it. but now nobody would care.i doubt its expected.

  21. I'm prince god angel saint cupid sir white golden

  22. think she did, yes, but that was over 20 years ago, dont think it would apply today

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