
Visa application?

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I am currently completing paperwork for a work skilled assessment and need to get documents certified. Once these documents have been certified can I photocopy them to include with my visa application or do I have to have them redone.




  1. You don't say which Country your applying to!

  2. You need to get EVERYTHING copied.  Anything that you have to make certified copies of get 2 of each (I mean get both copies certified).  You will need any references copied, whatever you are sending to the TRA you need to send to the immigration department as well, but they will only accept original certified copies.

    Hope this helps x

  3. When using certified copies you must use the original in any matter. The best thing to do is have two certified copies of each document then if there is a problem you can easily replace.I am a JP in Aussie and this is quite a common practice for us to certify two copies of an original document.So I assume that the same applies where you come from. Good Luck.

  4. If I understand your question correctly, you must send the actual certified document, not just a photocopy of it. The certification is meant to certify that a photocopy is a true copy of an original document. If you wish to send a photocopy, you  need to take the original document along with the photocopy to the notary (or whoever is giving the certification) and have the photocopy certified that it is a true copy of the original.

  5. cant have to be origanals you can photocopy them for your own use but nay the origanals have to go
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