
Visa interviews bhc kingston?

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Hi does anyone know what interview questions are asked.




  1. Jellybel....yu try to contact me,send me ur email,and i'll tell you all the up to date info........

  2. For which country?

  3. I've compiled a list of questions taken from various sources which I will be ensuring my wife-to-be has rough answers to before her interview. I've not included the answers as they're pretty much individual,

    General Questions

    * Qu: Who filled out the application form?


    * Qu: When did we meet?

    * Qu: How did we meet?

    * Qu: What prompted you about your sponsor to correspond with him?

    * Qu: Why do you like him?

    * Qu: What is it you feel for your husband?

    * Qu: Do you feel love towards your husband?

    * Qu: Why do you think you fit together?

    * Qu: What are his interests?

    * Qu: What sort of food does your husband enjoy?

    * Qu: What is your husband's favourite color?

    * Qu: What is your husband's favourite book?

    * Qu: What is your husband's favourite Films?

    * Qu: What kind of things have you done together?

    * Qu: Has your husband ever invited anyone else to the UK?

    * Qu: Have you or your husband ever been engaged before?

    * Qu: Do you think you really know your husband?

    * Qu: Do you think you've really spent enough time together before deciding to marry?

    * Qu: Is your husband conservative or liberal?

    * Qu: Why do you want to marry a wealthy Englishman?

    * Qu: Did you marry a British man to go to the UK?

    * Qu: How old is your husband?

    Qu: When and where was your husband born?


    * Qu: The evidence show's no sign of calls made by you to your fiance/husband?

    * Qu: How many letters did you send to your husband?

    Qu: When did you send them?

    Qu: What did you talk about in them?

    * Qu: What do you talk about on the telephone?

    * Qu: What was the first thing he said to you?

    * Qu: What don't you like about him?

    * Do you have any problems with each other, argue, etc?


    * Qu: When did he first visit you in person?

    Qu: How long did you spend together?

    Qu: What did you get up to during your first time together?

    * Qu: When was his second visit to you?

    Qu: How long did you spend together?

    Qu: What did you do during this visit?

    * Qu: When did your husband arrive in Cameroon?

    * Qu: What have you been doing since the wedding?


    * Qu: What are the names, date of births / ages of your husband's parents & sister?

    * Qu: What do your husband's parents do for a living? What about your husband's sister?

    * Qu: Have you ever spoken to your husband's parents?

    * Qu: Do you know who Auntie x & Uncle y are? (these were relatives on my side which had sent me a card which I am including in our settlement application)

    * Qu: What relatives will you leave behind if you settle in the UK?

    * Qu: Has your fiance met your family? Where, When?

    * Qu: Are your siblings / parents dependent upon yourself financially?

    Engagement / Wedding / Honeymoon

    * Qu: When did you and your fiancé become engaged?

    Qu: Who proposed?

    Qu: How was it done?

    Qu: What happened?

    * Qu: Did you have a hen do?

    Qu: Did your fiancé have a stag do?

    * Qu: Why did you not have a traditional or church wedding?

    * Qu: What date was your wedding?

    * Qu: Where did you get married?

    * Qu: How many people attended the wedding?

    * Qu: Was it a memorable wedding?

    * Qu: Why was the wedding in Cameroon?

    * Qu: Where was your honeymoon?

    Qu: What did you enjoy most about your honeymoon?

    Qu: What did you get up to on your honeymoon?

    Qu: How was your honeymoon?

    Qu: Did you row whilst you were on your honeymoon?

    * Qu: Was your marriage dependent upon being able to settle down in the UK?

    Previous Visa Applications

    * Qu: Have you ever applied for a visa before for any country?

    Qu: What was the outcome?

    * Qu: Why have you gone from a visitor visa to a settlement visa in such a short time?

    Future Plans

    * Qu: What are your long term plans in the UK?

    Qu: What if it takes a while before you find employment?

    Qu: Do you know how much your husband has in savings?

    * Qu: Why do you want to come to the UK?

    * Qu: If you your application fails, how would you feel and what would you do?

    * Qu: Would you consider settling in a 3rd party country?

    * Qu: How will you cope with the English culture?

    * Qu: What do you know about life in the UK?

    * Qu: Will you not miss your friends & family too much?

    * Qu: What sort of work will you do in the UK?


    * Qu: Where does your sponsor live in the UK?

    * Qu: How much does he pay in rent?

    * Qu: What type of accommodation will you live in?

    Qu: Does anyone else live at this address?

    Employment / Education

    * Qu: What precisely do you do for a living?

    Qu: When did you start this job?

    Qu: How long have you been in your present job?

    * Qu: What were you doing before this current job?

    * Qu: Who designed your website?

    * Qu: Where did you get the money to start-up this business?

    * Qu: Why have you not registered your business?

    * Qu: Why have you not got a bank account for your business?

    * Qu: What happened to the bank account you included in your most recent tourist application last June?

    * Qu: Where does your husband work?

    Qu: How long has he been in this job?

    Qu: How Much does he earn each month?

    Qu: What is your husband's gross annual salary?

    Qu: What do you know about his job & where he works? What did he do prior to this job?

    * Qu: What do you think about his salary / wealth?

    * Qu: What qualifications has your husband obtained?

    * Qu: When did Mark Graduate?

    * Qu: Where did your husband study?


    * Qu: How often does your husband send you money via Western Union?

    Qu: How much does he send?

    Qu: How long has he been sending money for?

    * Qu: Do you receive financial support from anyone else?

    * Qu: Does your husband receive financial support from anyone else?

    * Qu: Will you or your husband require use of public funds in the two years following arrival to the UK?

    * Qu: How do you explain the recent large deposits into your sponsor's account?


    * Qu: What religion is your sponsor?

    * Qu: How do you feel about belonging to different denominations?

    they of course vary by application, but I can guarantee some of these will be there!

    go over basic details and make sure you up on the basics.

    Seems a bit unfair. If You asked these questions to most recently married couples from the same countries..they would not be able to answer all of these questions!lol

    they also listen to tone, how your questions are answered like if they are robotic and memorised or genuine.

    They are also trained to judge emotion in your voice (or so I read)

    They expect you will be nervous, so do not worry.

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