
Vision problem...?

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When I first wake up in the morning I can see perfect without my glasses, but after 5 to 10 min. my eyes go out of focus and I have to put on my glasses.I am far sighted in one eye and near sighted in the other.When my eyes go bad I can read a license plate on a car from about 1 foot away.Has anybody got any ideas why my eyes are good when I first get up..My optometrist doesn't believe I can see first thing in the morning and he's checked my eyes and told me I have optic nerve degeneration.




  1. Your optometrist doesn't believe you ?

    That is quite normal to have better vision first thing in the morning after a nights rest....but as you doesn't last long.

    I can read small print when I first get up...but after 10 - 15 blurs like normal again...

    It's a normal phenomenon

  2. Don't worry, it is quite normal for someone to wake up first with crystal clear vision and then lose that acuity after 15 minutes.

    I personally believe the reason why your vision was good was because it was exposed to only blackness during the night. This can be reffered to an eye relaxation method where exposing the eye to blackness helps it to relax.

    Go and see the optometrist but don't fret. While he may not believe you, other people suffer from the same condition. This is as the optical industry doesn't want people to be relaxing and excersing their eyes as it eases and relieves the eye of stress and tension. This invariably leads to clear vision.

    However, still stick to your glasses. Hope I helped.
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