
Visiting Ireland....need information?

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American Lass looking for more information than I can find.

I will be visiting Ireland July 2007 for a wedding. What else do you think I should see? Where should I stay (able to move around if necessary)? Weather in July?

Personal opinions and websites would be VERY helpful!! Thanks all!




  1. Hi,

    by far the most comprehensive site for all typs of accommodation (over 9000 properties) car rental etc. is This site pretty much has it all!



  2. New Grange, Wiclow Mountains, Ring of Kerry, Galway City, and Giant's Causeway, any local pub....

  3. Go to the West Coast...Galway, Sligo, Donegal, Kerry.  Hitchhike everywhere; it's safe & you meet the coolest people, from truckdrivers to moms with babe asleep in the back who want you to see Yeats' grave to a woman who was in Derry during the Bloody Sunday.  All examples of why driving your own car is a bit too insular.  Stay in hostels...the Kinlay House in Galway is one of my faves.  Do Not Kiss the Blarney Stone - it's hokey & locals take the p**s on it (literally).  Do see the Ring of Kerry, as many little pubs as you can, the bottom of many pints of Guinness, the Aran Islands, the Cliffs of Moher, more pubs, the Connemara mountains, have a craic!  Prepare for wet, enjoy it when the sun shines!

  4. just came back from there. county donegal, fantastic place to visit. all the sights you want with few tourists, great people, great craigh and most of all, the Fubar in letterkenny is more fun then anything Dublin has to offer. A must see. the weather the past two weeks can be called GREAT.


    Have fun!!

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