
Visits with kids and parents?

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What's the short version of problems you have with your child's father (your ex boyfriend or ex husband)

Custody who has it?

Who pays child support?

Does the ex come to see the kid's alot?

Is there supervised visits?

Did you ever do a mutual agreement, and did it hold up in court?




  1. I have full custody because he didn't sign the birth certificate. He is a piece of S**t so why would I want his money or name on it. She has a great man in her life that supports her and treats her as his own. As soon as we get married he is going to adopt her. I don't receive any support. He hasn't seen her since she was born. There is no court order for anything.  

  2. signs a certificate

  3. we had joint custody he paid child support because the kids lived with me.  i didn't need supervised visits at first but he got into drugs and i had to stop all contact.  when he go clean he was allowed to see the kids again.  we never had to do anything in court but many couples or ex-couples can't do it on their own

  4. I have full physical custody.  My ex-husband pays support monthly.  He sees the kids when he wants to but that hasn't been very often.  He visits them here at my house when he does visit because our youngest son really doesn't know him and our oldest son has PDD and is to hard for his father to handle right now especially out in a new situation.  We agreed on the custody and child support and had the lawyer submit what we agreed upon and the courts gave the ok.  

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