
Voice recitle?

by  |  earlier

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i have a voice recitle at 6 tonight and im wondering what i can do to get my voice sounding its best. ive always done tea with honey and lemon. is there anything else? any help would be appreciated. thanks! :)




  1. Try doing some voice exercises. A really good one is " Woohoo its me'" Say it out loud making different kind of tones. I was in a chuire and this was a regular exercise. Hope it helps. Good Luck.

  2. I always go on vocal rest the day before and the day of a recital, then warm up really well before the recital. It gives your voice a chance to heal and rest if you've been using it a lot. Also stay away from dairy a few hours before, it will give your voice a "fuzzy" sound. Break a leg!!!!! =]
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