
Volcano Homework Questions..?

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1. Why are volcanoes extreme for us?

2. What living thing is not extreme for living in the volcano? (Hard to explain.)

3.What technology do people use to survive or explore a volcano?

BTW.. if you have time.. Can you give me some interesting facts about volcanoes?




  1. 1. Well volcanoes are extreme in the sense that they can lie dormant for thousands of years, just sitting there minding their own business, then one day spring to life with a blast that can literally blow their top off. Thats extreme behavior if you ask me.

    2. Many creatures, both plants and animal live along the flanks of volcanoes, but during a powerful eruption they will be killed if they are too close. Some bacteria thrive in the hot and acidic fluids associated with vents of terrestrial volcanoes.

    3. Heat resistant garments, helmets, gas masks and strong thick hiking boots are required for even a short excursion into an active volcano.

    Associated with shield volcanoes, like those found in Hawaii, are LAVA TUBES, these are cave like passageways left behind after a lava flow moves along and emptys out after an eruption. Very cool to climb in and check out!

    Crater Lake is located in southern Oregon on the crest of the Cascade Range, 100 miles (160 km) east of the Pacific Ocean. It lies inside a caldera, or volcanic basin, created when the 12,000 foot (3,660 meter) high Mount Mazama collapsed 7,700 years ago after a large eruption. The lake is approximately 5 miles (8 km) wide, and is surrounded by steep rock walls that rise up to 2,000 feet (600 meters) above the lake's surface.

    Crater Lake is known to be the deepest lake in the United States and the seventh deepest in the world.

    Volcanoes are known to exist on other worlds in our solar system.

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