
Volley ball help!!!!?

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I am in Middle school and I was wondering if they had teams for this age?




  1. yeah they do . if ur less serious try YMCA if ur tottally serious then try tiger or dragon or some other club volleyball.

  2. Normally the school should have team.

    If not then if you have a rec center or a YMCA then you could ask there.

  3. It really depends on what grade you are in.  I know at my middle school 6th grade volleyball is just training (not competative.)  In 7th grade there are tryouts for a travel team which is good for people who are competative, but if you are not competative (or didn't make the team) you can always go for inturmural (?) which is just practices (not against other schools.)  8th grade is the same as 7th.  If you're really good you can always try out for a real volleyball team (not school,) but these tend to cost money, and a lot of your time.  If you do make a travel team outside of school and also make the school volleyball, you can't play games with your travel team until your school volleyball is over.  I don't know why, it's just a stupid rule (for my school atleast.)  Hope that answers your question.

  4. they do have club teams. there are two types, area and power. area teams don't travel more than about two hours to get to a tournament and power teams go all over the country. however, i believe that all club tryouts have taken place already and most rosters are probably finalized. most universities have volleyball camps, so if you want to go to one of those over the summer, go for it!

  5. modefied volleyball for 7th and 8th graders. thats wat i play

  6. I don't think so

  7. yes of course they do     i played in middle school.

  8. Here in Europe there is, but where ye live, no clue. There must be.

  9. Yes they have volleyball teams in Middle School or atleast MOST Middles Schools. Our school didnt allow 6th graders to join any sports though so I was on the team in 7th and 8th grade and all through high school and now college. But since your in Middle School isnt there somebody there you can ask? Why are you asking us?

  10. I played MS volleyball!!!! It was fun!!!! Well, it kinda depends on the school u go to becuz some schools may have it and some schools may not!! But, MS Volleyball is the best!!!!

  11. yes there is...

  12. I would assume....My school does.

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