
Volley ball problem! please help?

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K im an 8th grade varsity player, and i play and sometimes start. Last year and tha year before i started everygame. This year 2 new girls came and took my spot and there not that good.please gimme some tips please!




  1. Totally push your self in practice and show your coach that you deserve that starting spot back!

  2. Well you'll be at a new school next year with a new coach so I wouldn't worry very much.

  3. i would go to a local camp. work work work. show your coach you are determined and improve a lot. be dedicated in practice. jump rope. just improve and work hard. look up your local college and see if the have a vollryball camp which most colleges do. you can work with people who know what they are doing.

  4. well, girl, since you're an 8th grader, my guess is that the coach wants to get some new players ready to take your spot when you're gone--not that they will actually, literally TAKE your spot (your personality, your impact on the team). my advice is, smile and help the new girls live up to the footprints you've left behind.

  5. volleyballcoachz is right on those points. are you projecting a poor attitude? You may have better passing, hitting skills than them, but do they show more hustle? There are lots of reasons that coaches do things that seem wrong to players. Do the new players show more commitment to the sport and team? There is a lot to consider. Maybe your coaches goal is to get those players up to a better level so they can at least try to compete in high school.

  6. I would say that you need to focus on your attitude. A lot of times coaches will look at your attitude and determine whether or not you are going to play. Ive even see coaches cut team members for having poor attitudes, even the best of players. So make sure you are always willing to do what the coach asks, put up the net, take it down cheer your team on. It will help, if it doesnt let me know.

  7. I will combine some of the above answers.  

    There are many factors that could be involved.  I can not say that any of these factors apply to you since I do not know you or your ability.  

    One factor could be that the you have gotten lazy.  You were the starter last year and you did not work as hard in the off season as you did the year before.  Your coach noticed and is trying to send you a wake up call.  Your spot is not guaranteed.  

    One other factor might be that your coach is looking for something in particular.  You may be a good hitter, but the coach is looking for a good passer.  You may be a good passer and the coach wants a better offensive player.  

    One other factor could just be your thinking.  There are many players that think they are "All World" and there is no one on the team that is as good as they are.  I have had 2 players like that on the last 2 juniors teams I coached.  I try to play everyone an equal amount of time.  I play the better players against the better opponents and rest them against the weaker teams.  I had the parents from 2 players that suggested that I should play the top players all the time.  I really wanted to tell them that I adopted that policy, their daughters would be on the bench.

    Again, I can not say that any of the above are your problem.  But there is something that is really bothering your coach.  You have 2 things that you can do.  POLITELY, ask the coach for a private meeting.  And just ask what you have to do to earn the starting spot back.  If the coach says you need to work on your hitting, then work hard on your hitting and tell the coach that you will work hard on it.  Even if you think your coach is wrong.  Always remember that your coach is the one that makes out the lineup sheet every match.  If you show the coach a negative attitude in the meeting, you may never see the court again.

    One other idea is to just do everything in practice that you can to impress the coach.  Renew your positive attitude you had before you had the starting job.  Call every ball loudly and hustle all the time.  Including to get water during the break.  Hustle when you have to shag the volleyballs.  As stated above, help set up the nets.  Arrive early and stay late.  Show the coach that you will do everything that the TEAM needs to get the job done.  

    Good luck.

  8. Omg the same exact thing is happening to me! I still start but I get rotated out, and she can barely hit a ball! I'm in club though. I talked to my coach and she said she's just crosstraining her to be an outside and that she wont play that much in the games. So just ask your coach why your not starting anymore.

  9. Firstly, since the girl's high school season is in the fall, I'm assuming that you play 8th grade "A- Team" not varsity. Although you school may call it varsity. Am I right?

    I'm not going to try and tell you your coach is crazy or anything. What you have to understand is that coaches see things when you don't even know you are showing them.

    You say they aren't as good as you, what kind of experience do you have to be able to judge all aspects of a players volleyball skill as an 8th grader. Probably a few (2 or 3) years of playing, which isn't much. Also, by saying you are better than them, maybe you are projecting that attitude to the team and it's possible the coach would rather have average skill with great attitude, then better skill with a poor attitude.

    I'm not trying to be mean, although it may sound like it, I'm just trying to explain how you may need to worry less about other people and start worrying about what you can control; Your hard work and attitude.

    You'll do fine. I know it.

  10. try to impress the coach and do better

  11. Out-cheer them, that means ALWAYS be the loudest.  Make the coaches see you.  Just scream your butt off.  Oh, and try to be first for everything when it comes to drills.

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