
Volleyball Food?

by Guest60748  |  earlier

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I am going to be playing in a volleyball tournament on Tuesday and will be playing at least 11 matches in a row! Are their any foods I can quickly eat between games to keep me alert and full of energy? Thanks!




  1. lots of fruits!!!

  2. bananas and peanut butter are the best and they give you tons of energy and prevent cramps

  3. first off i just had a big tournament and did not do so well i hope u finsh 1st!!! good luck!!!!!=]

    and eat like special K bars and fruit mayb salads and drink gator aid and water!!!!=]

    ---good luck<3!!!!! have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. alot of fruit...bananas,grapes and strawberries you dont want to eat to much cause you could puck

  5. Chewy bars (granola bars)

    cereal bars

    chips (lol, we ate chips a lot)

    any of those 100 calorie packs

  6. luna bar

  7. apples or bananas with a spoonful of peanut butter (the protien in peanut butter helps your muscles recouperate and gain back some nutrients, and gives you a good boost of energy) (the bananas have energy inducing electrolytes)

    luna moon chews.. they taste good, and are kind of like a little fruit snack.. but energizing! they're not bad for you like some people might think.. they aren't loaded with caffeine and sugar to give you an energy spike and then all the sudden become tired. it has essential nutrients and natural energizing ingrediants to help you!

    drink some vitamin water. snapple has some good ones, and so does aquafina. there's tons of kinds out there though, so just look!

    make sure to keep yourself hydrated with plain water during matches, becuase once you become dehydrated, you're dehydrated. it doesnt matter if you drink lots of water once you are dehydrated. so, just keep drinking (plain) water during matches, and vitamin water during breaks to help your muscles gain back some of the engery theyve lost!

    fruity, low fat yogurt! throw some almonds and a cut up banana in, and you've got a tasty, energizing snack. you can also eat this in the morning of the tournament.

    also, the morning of the tournament, make sure to eat some eggs and toast.. peanut butter on the toast is a good idea. peanut butter is basically a miracle food for athletes! kashi cereal is also good.

    for supper the night before, and lunch the day of, be sure to eat some grilled chicken and pasta! good carbohydrates!

    good luck! hope i helped you!

  8. FRUIT!

    Energy bars will make you slow down faster.

    Lots of fruit will do you good.

    I hope this helps


  9. You also need to think ahead and eat healthy the day before. (So today!) You need to eat a meal full of high carbs and a good before bed snack.  Here's a list of foods full of carbs!  I liked to eat spaghetti for dinner because it had a little of everything for energy.  You can also use these for snacks

    -One-half of a bagel.

    -Two slices of bread.

    -Two-thirds of a cup of rice.

    -One cup of cooked pasta.

    -One-half of a large baked potato, or one cup of mashed potatoes.

    -One and one-half cups of dry, unsweetened cereal.

    -One cup of oatmeal.

    -Six graham cracker squares.

    -One and one-half ounces of pretzels.

    -Two flour tortillas (6 inch).

    -One large banana.

    -One cup of applesauce.

    -One large pear.

    -One cup of canned fruit.

    -One cup of apple, grapefruit, pineapple or orange juice.

    -Six to fifteen ounces of a sports drink (different brands have different amounts of carbohydrate).

    -One energy bar (different brands have different amounts of carbohydrate)

    Avoid these foods:

    -Avoid eating high fat foods such as potato chips, French fries, hot dogs, candy bars and doughnuts. These foods will take longer to digest and may cause stomach discomfort. They may not provide you with enough energy during the competition.

    -Avoid drinking carbonated beverages (such as soda), because they may cause stomach discomfort during the competition.

    -Avoid eating high fiber foods (such as bran muffins) because they may cause gas and stomach discomfort during the competition.

    Recovery foods (to eat after you're done)

    -Plenty of fluids: water, fruit juice, sports drinks, soups, and watery fruits and veggies (watermelon, grapes, oranges, tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers).

    -A lot of carbohydrate-rich foods: pasta, potatoes, rice, breads, fruits, yogurts, and so on.

    -Adequate lean protein.

    -Potassium-rich foods such as potatoes, bananas, oranges, orange juice, and raisins.

    -Do not attempt to replenish lost sodium by smothering your food in salt or by popping dangerous salt tablets. A typical meal, moderately salted, supplies enough sodium to replace the amount lost through sweat.

    If you get in the habit of doing this every time you compete and even when you have practice, you're body will remain at top form.  The most important thing you can do is drink powerade/gatorade between games (One bottle full during and one between).  This does get expensive so the cheapest way is to buy the mixes in the little containers and mix your drinks as you need them.  If you have time to prepare snacks...take something like a bagel and apples with peanut butter for both.  It'll give you that boost.

  10. FRUITS! fruits give you lots of energy and are very healthy! eat some apples, oranges, grapefruit, etc. and try drinking those V8 V-fusion drinks or v8 splash or something like that before the game for energy...DON'T FORGET TO DRINK WATER WHENEVER YOU CAN DURING AND AFTER EVERY GAME!!!

    hope this helps!!! =-D

  11. Mainly fruit- apples, bananas, grapes and lots and lots of water.

  12. Powerbar!!
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