
Volleyball Formations?

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Do High Schools usually use the 4-2, 5-1, or 6-2 formation? I was thinking about what position I might like to tryout for, so I wanted to know what formation most high schools opt for. Is it different from state to state, district to district, or even team to team?


PS Can you explain to me where the setter would be positioned?




  1. it varies from team to team, however most high school teams that i see use a 5-1. i would think that a 5-1 is the popular formation right now, since it only requires one setter. the setter usually starts on serve receive in position:

    1. behind the outside on the right side of the court

    6. near the net, but in front of the right side hitter, and between the outside and libero

    5. behind the middle on the left side of the net, also to the left of the back row outside

    4. switch with middle, however must be on left side of middle

    3. at the net in between the middle and outside, which is usually at the middle of the net

    2. same as 3 pretty much

    the numbers correspond to the position the setter is in, and all directions (left/right) are from facing the net. this is the way my high school varsity does it, so your team may do it different, like our JV (instead of the setter, then outside, then middle serving, the setter, then the middle, then the outside serves; really confusing). good luck

  2. it varied but the most common are 5-1 and 6-2. In a 5-1 there is 1 setter and he/she plays the setting position in backrow and front. in a 6-2 there are two setters and each setter sets in the back row. I dont know much about a 4-2 except the setter only sets in the front. No matter what rotation the setters always move to the right front.

  3. yea it varies from team to team because you could have two people who can set and hit well so you would play a 6-2 so you always have 3 front-row hitting options...but as you get higher right sides are able to hit C balls from the back row so they play a 5-1

    5-1: the setter is always the same and sets while in the front (in position 2) or comes from the back in position one to set

    6-2: there are two setters on the team who come and set from the back in position one when they are in the back row

    4-2: don't know much about  i find it kind of useless because you lose a hitting option

  4. most of the high schools in my area played a 6-2, with the setter coming in from the back.  we played with the setter shadowing the ball and covering behind the blockers for tips during the plays, and on serve-receive the setter would pull the hitter she was behind (ie if she had just served, she would pull the weak side hitter up to the net with her) and work a four-person reception.  occasionally the setter and hitter would drop back and we would do a 5-person receive with the setter not in the formation.

    I also played before the days of libero hit high schools, so I'm not too up to date on what my school is up to now!
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