
Volleyball Rules/Strategy Help?

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I have a couple of questions for the volleyball experts out there.

When blocking a power hitter, what should be the timing of the jump and the starting positions of the hands?

When blocking a middle hitter, what should be the timing of the jump and the starting positions of the hands?

What 3 points would you stress if you're teaching someone to spike a volleyball from the power hitting position?

What are 3 good strategies that a player can use in terms of where he should place the serve on the opponent's court?




  1. 1. You should jump up to block when the power hitter is just about to swing and hit spike the ball.

    2. same as #1.....

    3. i) make sure to use the steps to get up to the net when you are being set up.

       ii) make contact with the ball with the palm of you hand and try to spike it downwards.

       iii) don't touch the net...... and jump as high as possible.

    4. when you are serving try and hit it to the weakest player, also in the back row.

    hope this helps =)

  2. watch for the weakest digger physically adn can really tell when someone is frustrated or hit to them..chances are if they made a mistake before they will still have it on their mind and try really really hard to get hte next one.and when they focus too much it would really mess up their me on this one..its my problem..good thing i overcame it..being a digger im not sure when to jump..but you defintely have to curve yuor hands in..both not keep it straight because if the ball hits your hands then most likely it would go straight down your side. but if you curve your hand it would defintely go back to thier side..keep your hands firm and curved..same thing for middle..

  3. 1. The timing should be right after the hitter jumps and hands should be wide and together

    2. Same as 1.

    3. Have your hand wide, hit it from the top, snap your wrist

    4. Were someone is not, to a weak passer, if you serve hard enough inside the court anywhere

  4. 1. when you jump you watch their shoulder to see where there hitting and then right when there about to hit the ball jump snap your rist down so the ball goes in the court, the timing, and transition off the net so you can get the ball

    3.look for holes, if the player hasnt been doing very well hit it to them, and in the very front

  5. 1) Timing is going to depend on the hitter that you are blocking.  If the hitter is a good jumper then you need to delay your jump a little.  There is no real good rule for exactly when to leap.  As far as hand position make sure that your outside hand is turned in as so they can not "tool" or use your hands to hit the ball out of bounds.  Depending on what kind of defense you are playing and where the rest of your teamates are will ultimatly depend on where you want to shade the hitter.  This meaning whether you want to leave line open or take away line etc.  

    2) Again timing is all dependant on the hitter as well as the set.  If it is a quick middle or a one tempo the timing on the block will be way different than if it is a two tempo or higher slower set.  Where your hands go on middle hits again are dependant of where you want to direct a hitter, or atleast where you want to direct them.  One thing that i have found works descently, although i would never suggest this on any set besides a one tempo where you are a solo blocker, is to spread your arms apart a little more, instead of having thumbs touching.  What this can do is take away both angles that the hitter may have.  A lot of times, especially on a one tempo middle, the hitter will try to cut the ball to one side or the other.  By spreading your hands apart you can try to take away these angles.  

    3) There is a little saying i like to tell my players when learning to hit.  It is REACH PULL SNAP.  What this means it when you take off reach with both hands, pull your opposite, non hitting, hand down, this is to build power and really use the "core" of your body for power, and snap your hand as you are hitting.  When you snap your hand you want to make sure you hand is spread wide and you are snapping you thumb to the hip.  If you are right handed you should be snapping your right hand to your right hip.  You do not swing across your body like you are throwing a baseball.  It is a different motion.

    4) There can be many different stratagies to serving.  The key is to make the defense move.  Serve in between people, deep corners, short corners, anywhere that isn't directly at someone.  You want to make someone move and if you can keep them movivng as they are trying to pass the ball it is even better.  

    Sorry for such a long answer but i really hope this helps ya out.

  6. 1.  jump right before they hit it

    2.  same

    3. jump high, hit down, and don't go over the net

    4. go for close to the net, go for back corners, or go back middle

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