
Volleyball back row players!

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Is it fine for backrow players to wear T2 ankle supports? And since I'm a backrow player will that effect my speed?




  1. It will probably slow you down....and you need the speed. you could wear them around the house or possibly when you're practicing.. but not during and actual game...

  2. I play both OH and DS for my high school team and I wear Active Ankles. They won't slow you down. I wear them so I don't hurt my ankles while hitting. But if you only play back row and don't have an ankle injury I don't see why you need them. But if you really want them, I would say go ahead and get them.

  3. its definatly fine, im a libero and wear active ankles all the time...there really good for preventing injuries and definatly dont reduce your speed or latteral movement, u just have to get used to them and get them to feel comfortable

    ***hope i helped and good luck!!!

  4. I don't know, I would try them once to see and if they slow you down I wouldn't wear them cause you really need to get to the ball fast.

  5. Ankle supports are almost entirely useless for backrow players, especially if you have no outstanding ankle injury.  They are for recovering players, mainly to prevent re-injury from tight net play.

    I'm against them 100 percent if you're only playing backrow.

  6. try them and see!!!

  7. I thrive in the back row.

    I have ankle problems and I don't wear a brace becuase they are too bulky for me.

    But I do wear TruFit ankle support.

    It's flexible and it does not bother me at all.

  8. Test them out for yourself. Wear them around your house and to a couple of practice and decide whether or not they are the right thing for you.  Everyone is different; I'm sure what might not work for some else, might work for you.

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