
Volleyball conditioning..? 10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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hi. alright so im a 15 year old girl, and i love volleyball. my town is quite small, so there's no club volleyball or anything, but our school volleyball team is pretty good.. at the provincial level.

my last season was cut short due to a knee injury, and i've been doing physio and things and i have surgery coming up, so im not too worried it'll happen again.

anyways, what im wanting is could someone please make up a sample week of conditioning? like a training program almost? some things that i could do at home.. i don't have access to a gym or anything.. but this is what i do have:


-weight thingy.. you pull the bar down and stuff, not a weight bench, but a weight machine i guess..

-excersise ball

that's pretty much it lol.. stairs i guess! anyways that would be amazing : ) thanks so much!





  1. w








  2. Well I&#039;m 14

    and I live in a small town in hawaii

    and my advice for you is to have a find a routine thats good for you

    I do square lunges planks in side of my house

    n then I run once a week I recommend stairs because they help ur legs become stronger so u can jump highern lastly I lift wieght to get my arms stronger

    I hope this helps :)

  3. Here&#039;s what our conditioning was like:

    Monday/Wed/Fri- Timed mile. Try to get it under 8:00. Do a few sets of stairs. Inside for 3 sets of 50 situps, 10 pushups, and 15 dips. Then do some quick feet drills (like, on a line)

    Tuesday/Thurs- endurance mile- run a mile around the track but in between every lap, do 25 situps, 10 pushups, 10 jumping jacks, and 10 jump-and-touch-your-knees-to-your-chest. Then inside for 3 sets of 50 situps, 10 pusups, and 15 dips, and then quick feet drills

    And ball drills as well

    This way, you get cardio and strength training

  4. you should do a lot of core work(sit ups push ups) and to improve your vertical do calf raisers. and if you dont feel like doing that at the moment practice your setting.

  5. 1) Stairs are great. do four sets of straight stairs as fast as you can. then 4 sets of stairs hitting every other step. then 4 sets of speed stars hitting both feet on every step. then 4 sets of jumping on one foot up the stairs. 2 sets on left. 2 sets on right.

    2) you can do some jump training. various exercises like calf raises, jumping rope, step-ups, squat hops, thrust ups, burnouts,  block jumps, defensive shuffles, skipping high and long, and approach jumps.

    3) Stretching!! stretching is very underrated. stretch every muscle you know how to.

    4) running. you can run some long distance or just short sprints. also you could do some karaoke running(similar to defensive shuffles)

    5) Push ups. depending on how strong you are, you can do push ups. normal push ups, wide push ups, diamond push ups(hands form a diamond) military push ups(hands at your sides). (You could always do the push ups on your knees if necessary)

    6) Sit ups. you can do normal sit ups or crunches, sit ups to the left, sit ups to the right, bicycle sit ups, alternating sit ups, and leg lifts( holding your feet six inches above the ground for one minute at a time)

  6. Remember to just TAKE IT EASY. Don&#039;t do a lot of strenuous activity since you just came from a serious injury.

    It&#039;s important to pay a lot attention to the core and the lower body.

    Adjust the sets and repititions to your body and what you can only do.

    Mondays - do cardiovascular training and leg raises, leg extensions, calf raises, squats, etc. afterwards do sit ups and other core training

    Tuesdays - Cardiovascular training and upper body strength (bench presses, shoulder raises, seated rows) training. Then do some plymoetrics.

    Wednesdays - Rest

    Thursdays - Do Monday routine.

    Fridays - Do Tuesday routine

    Saturday - Try to play volleyball. It&#039;s for you to regain your speed, agility and your hand-eye coordination. It also helps you to improve your skills and techniques.

    Sunday - Rest

    Its better if you are able to play  volleyball at least 5 times a week for 2 to 3 hours.

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