
Volleyball or Marching Band?

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I am currently in band and I love it. I even won the band award last year. Also, this year I was on the volleyball team at school. I need to choose between volleyball or marching band for next year (9th grade). I play club volleyball so even if I gave up school volleyball I would still be able to play. I play the oboe in band so I would probably play some kind of percussion in marching band. Any advice would help! Thanks!




  1. Easiest question ever


    I wish when I went into my first year of high school I had a season of club volleyball under my belt. You will have the upperhand over everyone your age.

    Besides theres tons of people who do marching band in high school very few people have a chance at being the best in their high school class at a sport.

  2. Marching Band! I also do both band and volleyball, but if you choose band you won't have to give up both.

  3. I would definatley say VOLLEYBALL coz its waaayy cooler then being in a offence. and also it would keep you in shape a lot betta then playing an instrument would!

    BUT, really in the end it's YOUR choice and it sounds like you really love band so i don't know why you are even asking this question?

  4. Marching band.

    Sounds like you won't miss anything if you go with the marching band.

    Why give up something that you love and have won award with it?


  6. Now I love volleyball so i'm gonna tell ya VOLLEYBALL. It's an amazing team sport plus it keeps you in shape and is amazing can be played anywhere....Big plus= Guys love volleyball playas. But if you really love band maybe that's the choice since you would still be able to play volleyball

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