
Volleyball question!!!!!?

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When you hit a volleyball, where on your arm is the ball supposed to hit? Is it on your fore-arm, or what??? Also, how are you supposed to hold your hands. Thanks for the help!!




  1. place your hands straight out in front of you, put your palms together, the flat spot formed on each arm just above the wrist is where you should make contact with the ball.  When you make contact your plams should both be facing towards the sky with the strong arm palm on top of the weak arm palm.  The thumbs should lie side by side in the palm of the strong arm.

  2. Well I hold my hands like

    Put both hands infront of you (palm up)

    slide the left hand over the right.

    Put right thumb down on palm

    Put left thumb donwn over the right

    and let the ball hit you wrist

    This is the way I like to do it cause It don't hurt as much.

  3. u hit it with the lower part of ur palm..arms straight extended one hand over the other and hit...mmm it kinda hard to explain on writing

  4. Well if you know how to bump a volleyball then when you are in that position just go little below the wrist and WALA you are there!!!

  5. When you hit the ball it should hit  your palm. Fingers should be cupped and tight. Like if you were to give a really hard high five. When you swing it should be all one motion and your left hand should go up with your right when you go to swing. And come down a little bit before the other hand that you contacted the ball with.

    You should act like you are throwing you ponytail down and use your abs to get more power. Your core is a major role in volleyball.

    Hope this Helps.

  6. ok so when you say hit you must mean pass.  basically make a fist with one hand and take the other hand and put it around it.put your thumbs together.  when you pass you have the ball hit your forearms.  you are kind of in a squated position and you use your legs to push the ball.  never swing your arms.  its doesnt work well.  when you actually hit the ball (like a spike)  you have a big hand thats open and the ball hits your palm.  hope this works.

  7. When you pass the volleyball it should hit between your elbow and wrists, closer to your wrists. For your hands, place your right hand on top of your left (palms up) or left over right, whichever is more comfortable. Fold your thumbs over your right (or left) hand so that they are touching. It feels a little strange at first, but I got used to it after a little while.

    I hope that I explained that well and was able to help you! Good luck and have fun!

  8. hit on your forearm

    cup your hands inside oneanother with your thumbs pointing straight on top of your hands

    if that doesnt help or isnt clear then sorry :-)

    you can email me for more info if you need it (click on my profile)

  9. You want to pass the ball just on the elbow side of your wrists.  Get your arms out and straight as early as you can.  Do not run with your arms like that, but move into position quickly and get your arms out quickly.    

    Your hands can be any number of ways that have been described above.  The key is to make sure the heels of your hands are together and your thumbs are together.  After that, you can use the fist in fist or palm in palm or the prayer hand techniques.  Whatever feels comfortable.  Just make sure your thumbs are side by side, your heels of your hands are together and you do not LOCK your fingers together.  (The worst volleyball injury I have ever seen is where the girl LOCKED her fingers together and was tripped.  She could not get her hands apart fast enough and landed on her fingers.)  If you want some locking, intertwine the fingers at the top joint only.

  10. i'm pretty sure its your forearm. its like the inside of your forearm. and you r suppose to hold your hands with one in the shape of a fist with the other around it with your thumbs next to each other

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