
Volleyball shoes/ quiet setting...?

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i was at vball camp today and i noticed tht the toe part of my shoe was giving out , so my toes were being squished and it was really painful. and i also noticed that when i would run, my ankle would roll (also painful) so im pretty sure tht i need new shoes, im a size 9, wat are some good womens volleyball shoes? and now to setting (sry this is long) i want ti be a setter and im fairly good at it but i was wondering if there was a technique to make my sets more graceful in the air and not sound like im striking at the ball with my fingers, which i kno im not doing, hope tht makes sense




  1. For the shoes- I recommend using Mizuno volleyball shoes. Your ankle problem is probably just from jumping and landing so much. You may have twisted it also. I had this problem too. I would get a sturdy ankle brace, just so you don't hurt yourself any further. I nearly broke my ankle without the brace. You do definitely need a new pair of shoes. If you play often, I would get the Mizunos, if not- just get a good pair of court shoes.

    For the setting i would crouch down and wait for the ball to come to you. When the ball comes, don't just get up and set- work with your knees. Go up as your setting. It is graceful, yet affective.Don't forget to set to the hitter for a good game. When you are setting, use your elbows to extend your arms, use only your fingertips, and don't flip your wrists down. Good luck!

  2. i use any shoes besides sketchers only cause they are not made for athletic i also hope to be a setter this year and are coach tells us to keep are fingers stiff but no straight...Hope i helped!!

  3. volleyball shoes can be bought anywhere athletic equipment is. i personally love mizuno and adidas. (:

    it sounds like you do need more shoes, but also try in a larger size cause if your toe is squished, then playing volleyball will not be fun. lol

    & for the rolling ankle, it might be slightly injured from volleyball practices, & constany jumping & landing.

    actually i have a sprained ankle that i am trying to heal for volleyball season right now. lol (:

    the best thing i have found to do is go to any athletic store, & look at their ankle braces. right now i am just using a tight pull up one, that is velcroed to the tightness i need.

    also, it would be good to ice your ankle[s] after practice to minimize further or possible injury to them. this is what i do after every practice. (:

    && now for the setting.

    have you ever set before?

    are you just trying this out to see if you really want to be in this position?

    if yes to the above, then you just need more practice. practice makes perfect.

    one thing one of my coaches told me to do when i was setter was to imagine there was a bucket in your hands, & you need to spread out your fingers like a set. then you act like your goin to dump the bucket on your head. you quickly pop your wrists back, & push the ball up. you dont want to use the very tips of your fingers, but you do want to use the part at about the first crease, & also your palms, but not to where you will hold the ball. i hope this makes a tiny bit of sense, but it is very hard to explain without showing. lol

    i hope this helps at least a little bit. (:


  4. i like addidas and asics. i've had asics and they are very light, comfortable, and have good grip on the floor.

    try push ups w/ your fingers to stregnthen them and stretch your fingers out before and during game time. don't make your fingers tight when you set. keep them loose and relaxed. that's why you do push ups w/ them to help them be strong when they are relaxed.

  5. mizuno are the best shoes for vball

    on to the important part.

    im a setter and i've personally worked with coaches from stanford, usc loyola and more

    it is good to make a little sound when you set. it show that you are attacking the ball and making it do what you want not letting it control you. you should not bring the ball in when you set, only push it out. it loses power otherwise. it just takes a lot of practice but if you can try to work one on one with a coach just alittlle and it will help a lot

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