
Volleyball tips ?

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I have trouble overhand serving the ball, any tips ?




  1. I have been playing volleyball for 1 year now, and i actually never got my UNDERHAND, and i went straight into working on my overhand. I had previously played tennis, so i had a strong arm. I would suggest working on your upper-body strength.

    When serving:

    Keep wrist stiff

    Hit the ball at the upper-most part of your toss

    Transition your weight from your back leg to your front leg just before u hit the ball.

    Practice hitting the ball against the wall before practice.

    Practice, practice, practice!

  2. I'm writing this for right handers, if your left handed just do the opposite.

    1) work on upper body strength, lift weights or something

    2) practice your positioning.  Stand with your left foot forward  and practice these steps: pretend to toss the ball with your left hand up in the air, take a step with your right foot, and pretend to hit the ball with your right hand. Remember: Toss, Step, Hit.

    3) practice your toss, if you don't have good toss, then you won't be able to serve good either. practice your positioning, but use a ball. toss the ball in the air, and take a step with your right foot (don't catch the ball). It's a good toss if it lands on the toe of your right foot.

    4) Use a bow and arrow positon: pull your right arm back so your fingers brush your ear, like your pulling back an arrow. After you toss the ball, use your left hand to keep track of the ball (spotting the ball).

    Some more tips:

    Use all your body, don't just swing your arms.

    Have confidence! If your thinking "I'll never be able to do this" then you probably won't!!

    Watch the service line, don't step on it.

    When I was in 5th grade, my dad told me to imagine the ball going over the net right before I actually serve. It worked!

    Remember to always have fun!!

    Hope this helped! :)

    oh, and have a good routine. I bounce the ball twice then spin it in my hand. Make sure to do it every time.

  3. have a good toss and hit the ball with the palm of your hand. and also: practice!

  4. If you are a right handed server plant your RIGHT foot forward. Then, as you toss the ball, step forward at the same time with your LEFT foot. Now, your entire body will be moving with a forward momentum toward the far court. Guess what? Without any great refinement on the toss and contact of the ball, you will see an immediate increase in distance, because the laws of physics demand that greater force makes the object go further.

    (if left handed.... do it opposite)

    For your toss and contact:

    for now until you get the hang of it, toss the ball using 2 hands and release the ball at eye level. until you know you can serve consistently try to keep your toss at 5-6 ft in the air.. as you get better you can switch to a one handed and lower toss...

    Bring the hitting arm back with elbow high and thumb down (the archery position). Contact the ball high with the palm shaped around the ball (middle of palm to middle to ball), following through the swing toward the intended target.

    Now that you know this... go practice over and over again and you will gradually see improvement with your serve. If you don't always have access to a volleyball court with the net set up just practice you toss with the step as well as contacting high by hitting it against a wall repeatedly.

  5. Well, I play volleyball, and It took me a while to master the overhand serve. Maybe it is because you do not have enough upper body strength, or maybe it is just not your kind of serve!
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